chapter 18

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"Good morning princess." I tell ellie as I pull her out of her crib. "How'd my baby girl sleep?"

She grants me with a wide smile. Peyton, locklynn, and eli were already downstairs eating. When I turn around I see ari standing in the doorway watching me. "Hey, was peyton able to help you?"

"Yeah, she's pretty great."

"Yeah, she really is."

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything Ari."

"Did you want to be my dad? Like when mom was pregant with me?" She looks so unsure like she's not wanted by anyone.

"Yeah, I was absolutely devastated when I saw the DNA results. There were no words to describe the kind of heartache I have had for years about it." She looks down at her feet. "Ari, I'm here now. I'm sorry I didn't know before if I would have I would have been there for you. I promise you now though that I'm not going anywhere. There will never be another hair harmed on your head. You are my daughter, I will do everything in my power to protect you, and give you a life you love to live."

"I'm happy you're my dad, I should have come when I first found out."

"Ari, you're a kid. It wasn't your responsibility it was your moms. She failed you. I won't let that happen again. The people in this house we are your family, the people at the club they are your family too, we all have your back."

"Is it okay if I call you dad?"

"Yeah, that would make me really happy." I smile at her before pulling her into a hug with my free arm.

I hear a sniffle and look up to see Peyton crying in the doorway and chuckle, "Sorry, don't mind me. Damn pregnancy hormones."  She wipes her eyes, "I was just coming to tell you my lawyer will drop by the club house later with papers for you to sign for ellie. I may have also asked him to draw up paper for ari. I know you said you'd take care of it, but I think your lawyer might be better a criminal law than famiky law."

"You're not wrong, thank you baby."

"Mmhmmm. I'm gonna go take a shower, so we can get to shopping."

"Grab my card out of my wallet before you go."

"Not happening big guy, but nice try," she winks at me and walks out.

After everyone is dress and ready for the day the girls head out to shop, while ellie and I head to the club house.

"So the girl yesterday?" Knight asks while we're in my office.

"My daughter."

"Yall are adopting another kid, fuck just open an orphanage at this point." Jasper laughs.

"No, she's my actual daughter. I know I never talk about my past but Long story short there were fake DNA papers saying she wasn't mine when she was born. She was abused by the man who faked the papers and pretended to be her dad, then her mom turned into a junkie and got with her drug dealer who was making passes at her so she's here and she's not going anywhere."

"When are we going after the assholes?" Knight questions.

"After everything is settled with custody.  I'm not risking her ending up in the system."

"Well we got your back prez."

"I know, here take your neice for a minute I need to call snow and check on the construction project were working on."

After a call to snow, I call Ryder to check on the tattoo shop and lynk to check on the bar.

"Prez there's a lawyer at the gate says she's here to see you." Thomas a prospect tell me.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now