chapter 29

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Things were good for the next couple of weeks. The kids went back to school after winter break. luca went worked and went to the club, but he was always home before I fell asleep. There was a sense of calm in my life that I haven't felt in a long time.

My kids are happy, my luca is happy, from what I hear the club is doing good. I haven't been back there since Thanksgiving. I know it makes luca sad since he loves that club, but I can't bring myself to go to the place my baby was taken from me.

Future husband: hey pretty girl. I just wanted to tell you I miss you.

Me: luca you left less than an hour ago

Future husband: baby I missed you as soon as I left our room this morning.

Me:you're crazy. I love you babe, have a good day.

Future husband: I love you more.

I slide my phone back in my pocket and go to find the kids where I find them most Saturday afternoons, by the pool.

"Hey mom!" Eli waves from the chair he's sitting in.

"Hey eli, what are yall up to today?"

"We're gonna be heading out in a little bit to meet up with some friends."

"You made friends at your new school?"

"Fuck no, we're meeting up with the guys," He laughs.

"Peyton!" I hear ari yell from in the house.

"Yeah?" I shout back standing to my feet and walking in the house.

"My mom just called." I see the tears in her eyes.

"What happened sweetheart?" I ask pulling her into a hug.

"She said she's coming to take me home, I told her I am home. She lost it peyton she started saying awful things about dad." She starts crying.

Rubbing circles on her back and pulling her in tighter, "sweetheart everything is going to be okay. She can't get in the gates. And even if she could you really think your dad or I are going to let her take you anywhere you don't want to go?"

She sniffs, "no."

"Okay then no need to worry."

"What she said about dad, is it true?"

"What did she say?"

"That his MC is a gang, that he's a drug dealer and a murderer."

I bite my lip not wanting to lie to her but knowing I can't tell her the truth. "They aren't a gang honey they are a motorcycle club. Are you scared of the club guys? Do you think they are bad men?"

"No, they are family." She says.

"Thats right we're a family. I need to call your dad. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay I just want her to go away. I don't know why she's doing this."

"Why don't you go check on ellie for me while I call your dad?"

She nod and makes her way to the stairs. Pulling out my phone I call luca.

"Hey, baby miss me already?"

"I always miss you luca, but unfortunately thats not why I'm calling." I sigh.

"I don't like the sound of that." He sighs back.

"Alexia called ari, she said she's coming to get her she also told her you're a drug dealing murderer."

"Fucking bitch!" He huffs. "Alright baby, I'm going to head home."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now