chapter 16

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Oh fuck. Peytons gonna blow her top.

"Nah, I'm just fucking with you. Some of us know how to practice safe sex." He smirks at me.

"Fuck off," I laugh at him.

Sitting here with peyton in my lap rubbing circles on her hip with my thumb is the most calm I have been all week.

"Well congrats can't wait to be a brother.... again."

"Yeah can you put off having a baby for like a long while. Don't really want my kids and grandkids to be the same age," Peyton laughs.

"No worries about that peyton," Locklynn pipes up.

I'm in ellies room while peyton is visiting with lacy. I'm rocking her in the rocking chair feeding her a bottle, so she can take her afternoon nap. "I told you I was gonna get mommy back baby girl just took longer than I wanted it to. You know how thankful daddy is for you sweetheart? You, your mommy, your brother, and the little baby mommy is carrying. You all are my whole heart. Don't tell your brother I said that he'll bust my balls." I chuckle at her. "I can't wait to adopt you princess. I want my whole family to have my name you all are my forever."

It's been two weeks of quiet but you know what they say about good things? They don't last forever....

Lacy passed away this moring. When she started to take a turn for the worst last week she ask peyton to have paperwork drawn up making her locklynns legal guardian.

Locklynns brother isn't around anymore I made sure to personally put a bullet between his eyes, my face was the last he ever saw.

"You okay baby?" I ask peyton handing her a cup of tea.

"Yeah, we knew it was coming it's just hard."

"I know. You're an amazing woman peyton. Taking in locklynn making sure she doesn't end up in the system."

"You're an amazing man babe. For being so understanding about all these kids I keep springing on you."

"We're family baby doll. I will always take care of my family, that includes locklynn. I have a feeling she's not going anywhere." I give her a kiss on the head.

We have lacys funeral a few days later the whole mc is there peyton paid for a beautiful place to lay her to rest at. Locklynn is taking it hard, but she knows she has all of us to lean on and I think it's helping.

A week after the funeral we move back into peytons house peyton insisted that locklynn move into the main house and gave her her own room, knowing damn well she won't be sleeping in it but I don't voice that.

My phone brings me out of my sleep I look at the clock and see it's three AM
"Yeah?" I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey prez, there's a teenage girl here asking for you." Knight says through the phone.

"The fuck are you getting on about?"

"A teenage girl here. Says she needs to speak with you called you by your name."

"Who is she?"

"Says her name is Ari micheals"

"I have no idea who the fuck that is knight." I groan wanting to go back to sleep for a couple more hour before ellie is up.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Tell her to go the fuck home. It's the middle of the night what is a teenage girl doing showing up to a motorcycle club?"

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now