chapter 10

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I watch peyton walk away with locklynn and eli "did you really need to do that?"

"Do what?"

"Throw the club girls in her face."

"I didn't I just asked Layla a question."

I walk away with a sigh to find peyton. When I finally spot her she's with locklynn and eli sitting at a table. I lean down wrapping my arms around her shoulders. Turning my head to talk in her ear "Hey pretty girl."

She turns her head towards me with a tight smile "hi"

"Can we talk?"

She looks over at the kids who are in their own conversations. "Sure" Pulling her chair out for her to stand up. I wrap my arm around her waist as we walk away from all the people.

"Baby doll, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head "nothing."

"I dont believe you. Is it about what your brother said?"

"It's none of my buisness luca" she sighs

"It is peyton. It is your buisness. I know we're not together I know you want to take things slow but I want you. Thats it just you. I haven't been with any woman since before elis party I promise baby. Your brother was right though I don't allow woman to stay the night in my room at the club house. No woman besides my mother has ever been inside my house, but we can go there right now if you want. You can sleep in my bed whenever you want. I'll give you whatever your heart desires peyton."

She's just staring at me processing the words I have just spoken to her. "Okay luca." She nods her head.

I pull ger into my embrace. "Only you baby. From now on only you"

"How many girls here have you had sex with."

"Baby" I sigh "do you really want an answer to that?"

"That many?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart. If I would have known you were out there and that I would one day be in this position I would have waited. I never thought I would want to actually be with someone ever again."

"Ever again? I thought you didn't date."

"It was a long, long time ago. Before I moved here. The reason I moved here really. The reason I don't do relationships. I was 25 and engaged..." He eyes got wide. "She got pregant, a little girl. I was so excited to be a dad. I just became the president of a charter in Arizona I thought everything was finally falling into place. I was at the club allot trying to put everything that the formar president ruined back together. I don't know I guess I wasn't giving her the attention she wanted.... the baby wasn't mine. I didn't find that out until after the kid was born. Lexia was sleeping with her boss. I didn't even know, I thought we were in love. That's why I don't do relationships. Not one in the last fifteen years. I became president of this charter right before your brother joined."

"I'm sorry luca that's horrible."

"I didn't tell you because I want you to feel sorry for me. I wanted you to know why I take this so seriously. Why I would never in a million years break your heart like that. All that was in the past none of the brothers know the only person here that knows is you."

Peyton steps forward wrapping her slender arms around my waits laying her head on my chest "thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. I hope you know I'd never do that to you either."

I wrap one arm around her back and stoke her hair with the other hand "I know my pretty girl." I kiss the top of her head. After a few moment she pulls away looking up at me with a smile "what?" I smile back at her.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now