chapter 8

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The ride on the back of Luca's bike home didn't take long. I held him tight to me, wishing this day never happened.

When we pulled up to the gate I reached over and typed in the code. Luca pulled up the driveway. I'm exhale a breath of relief when I see that Elis truck is in the driveway.

We both get off the motorcycle, luca pulls me into a tight hug. "You okay?" He whispers in my ear.

"Mmmhmm" I nodded against his chest. "Can you just hold me for a minute please."

"Ofcourse, Angel. For as long as you need"

Standing there for a few more minutes just breathing in his scent while he's rubbing his hand up and down my back. I pull back and give him a dad smile then nod towards the door. "I need to go talk to eli"

"Alright I'll come in with you. Eli needs to know Snake is dangerous. I know that boy's protective over you amd I don't want him to try to go after that peice of shit.... that's my job." He kissed my forhead.

What the fuck is going on? We haven't even been on a date and he's acting like it's his job to not only take care if me but my son too?

"Ummm... okay"

"Eli? Honey where are you?" I yell when we walk through the door.

"We're in the living room mom" I hear him call out.

When we walk in I see him and locklynn sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Hey kids"

"Hey peyton, you okay?" Locklynn asked

"Yeah sweetheart, I'll be fine." I smile at her

"I'm gonna go check on my mom ill see you guys in a little bit."

"See you later, babe" Eli tells her. She instantly flushes, and walks out the back door.

"Babe, huh?" I raise my eye brow at him.

"Hey prez, what are you doing here?" My son totally ignores my question.

Luka smirks. "Gave you mom a ride home. Wanted to have a chat with you if that cool."

"Did my mom recruit you to have the sex talk with me? Hate to break it you guys, you're about two years too late."

My jaw drops and Luca laughs. I back hand him in the stomach  and scowl at him "not funny luca." Turning my attention back to my son. "You were fourteen two years ago." He shrugs "who were you having sex with at fourteen without me knowing? Where were you having sex at fourteen without me knowing?"

"You though he was a virgin?" Luca is still laughing

"Sorry mom, don't worry I'm always safe. Gramps got me condoms when I first started having sex."

"You talked to ty about this and not me?"

"Yeah, mom. Gramps is a dude he got it. To answer your question though Sarah, and at her house." He winces and I know exactly why.

"Sarah? Like Sarah who used to live next door to us? Sarah who is three years older than you?"

"Yeah nice girl" Eli nods

"Okay were not done with this conversation we'll pick it up at family dinner next weekend with your gramps"

"Shit" He sighs.

"We need to talk though, eli"

"Mom I get it your mad I didn't tell you, I'm sorry okay? I haven't had sex with locklynn if that's what you want to talk about. I actually care about her and I'm going to wait until she's ready."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now