chapter 12

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Walking in thay nursery and seeing peyton holding that little girl did something to my heart. Not like when lexia told me the daughter I was so excited for wasn't mine, more like primal feeling of protectivness for Peyton and ellie.

I head back to the club house after my talk with peyton. I had buisness to finish up before it was time to head to the football game.

The club arrives at the school half hour before the game starts. A couple minutes later I see Peyton pull in and walk towards her suv. I pull her door open for her then follow her to the other side and open ellies door. I pull her cars eat out of the base and grab her diaper bag. "Here luca, I got her."

"It's okay baby. I'll carry her. I'll be careful I promise"

She nods her head and gives me a shy smile

"My little princess" I hear knight say as he approaches us. "Look at you prez, looking all domesticated"

I feel peyton stiffen beside me "fuck off knight"

He barks out a laugh. "Come on boys let's go get a seat." Peyton sighs and we continue to walk after she pays for everyone's ticket, which by the way I'm pissed about, we head to the bleachers and find a section to fit all of us.

I set ellies carseat down anf peyton sqauts down getting her out. They are both wearing matching hoodies with the schools name and logo on the front and carmicheal 27 on the back. "No hoodie for me?" I whisper in her ear.

She laughs out loud cradling ellie in ger arm "like you'd wear it."

"I would" I tell her with nothing but conviction in my voice.

"I'll get you one for next week big guy" she smiles at me.

A course of 'me toos' follow.


When the first quarter is over the score is 21-0 my "Wow ges really good" Parker says

"Yeah he is" I say with pride shifting ellie so her head is on my shoulder.

"Give her here baby." Luca reaches out his atms for ellie. I raise and eyebrow at him "really baby doll hand her over" I do as he asks  "Hi, princess. Let's give mommy a break."

"Thanks babe" I smile up at him.

"Babe?" He lifts one of his eyebrows

"Just testing it out" I shrug

"I like it feel free to keep testing it"

Luca held ellie the rest of the game. Watching him hold her melts my entire heart.

Once the game is over I try to take ellie from Luca He shakes his head at me looking down at my baby girls sleeping form "I got her baby, knight garb the bag and carseat." Once were to the car he puts ellie in her seat and straps her in "Sweet dreams princess" he says and kisses her forehead then turns to me "are you waiting on Eli and locklynn?"

"No, they will be awhile. They usually go to dinner with their friends after games. I'm gonna head home and get ellie fed and let her have some tummy time, give her a bath and put her to bed."

"Can I bring over dinner?"

"Umm, if you want to come over you can. You don't have to bring dinner I can cook something."

"I dont think so baby. You have had a long day let me feed you."

"Okay" I smile at him.

He pulls me in for a hug then kisses the top of my head "I'll see you soon baby" turning back to ellie and kissing her head again before saying "be good for mommy princess.  I'll see you soon"

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now