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By time I get dinner cooked, all the kids fed, ellie bathed and in bed, and the house cleaned its ten PM. I haven't heard from Luca since he left at three.

I pull out my phone to call him

"Hey babygirl!" He slurs.

"Are you drunk luca?"

"Mmhmm the guys were partying. I haven't been here much. I'm supposed to be president but I haven't even really been around."

" no one is stopping you from going to the club house."

"I have just been too focused on you and the kids."

"Too focused?" Thats a stab to the chest I wasn't expecting.

"Yeah, I have stuff here I need to take care of Peyton. My whole life got flipped upside down in the last six months. I went from being single partying running my club and living my life, to having you and kids. Its all too much too fast."

"What are you trying to say luca?"

"That I need to spend more time here. I need to make sure the club is running right, I need to make sure we have money coming in. I understand you don't have to worry about that because you have money but it's something I need to worry about."

"Why are you acting like this?" I feel the tears coming down my face.

"Peyton don't cry. Look i'll see you tomorrow okay? Give the little ones kisses for me."

"Kay." I hang up before he can say another word

Too much too fast? What the fuck was that? I rub my hand over my small bump. "It'll be okay baby, mommy loves you so much."

I cry myself to sleep wondering how things went so wrong the last couple of hours.

A knock on my door wakes me "come in!"

Ari walks in the room, "where's dad?"

"He stayed at the clubhouse last night sweetheart. Did you need something?"

"My mom called," she sighed.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, she's just begging me to come home."

"You get to make your own decisions ari."

"Thanks Peyton. Do you think we can go to the club house?"

"Ummm... sure give me half an hour to get ready and get ellie. Well run through and grab breakfast."

It's still early when we get to the clubhouse. "Hey sweetheart sit here with ellie I'm gonna go see if your dad is up in his room, if not we'll head out to his house."

"Okay peyton," she says as she takes ellie from me.

I make my way upstairs and crack Luca's door open slowly, "babe?" I say to the lump under the blanket.

Layla sits up pulling the blanket to her chest and my eyes widen. "Where's luca?"

She smirks and looks over at the door leading to the bathroom. As it opens and luca steps out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I can physically feel my heart breaking. She wasn't supposed to be here. Luca kicked her out of the clubhouse at the tattoo shop when she laid hands on me.

He freezes in the doorway looking between Layla an me. "peyton.." he starts.

I hold my hand up and laugh. "all good luca, your daughter's are waiting downstairs I'll let them known you're busy." I nod my head and close the door as I walk out.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now