chapter 5

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My blood is boiling by time I get back to the club house. Sam is sitting at the bar.

"My office now." I look around and spot Parker. "Knight might wanna join this conversation"

"What's up prez?" Knight asks sitting on the couch.

"Go ahead Sam, tell the VP what you did."

"I didn't know she was his sister"

I see Knights eyebrows raise and feel the fury radiating from him "what about my sister?"

"I was having a fight with my sister, your sister stepped in I told her it was non if ger buisness"

I chuckle humorless laugh " You're missing some key points kid. Like why you and your sister were fighting and calling his sister out of her name."

"Go on, I wanna hear just how stupid you are."

"I didn't know Eli was your nephew when Jess and I came up with the plan I swear. I was just trying to get some money. My sister told Eli and I was pissed. Your sister was outside the movie theater I called her a bitch."

"Your call on what to do knight" I know what I want to do, but it's his sister, she's just my obsession.

"You really are dumber than you look sam" you fucked with my sister and my nephew?" Knight stand still wearing his cast and punches Sam in the mouth blood instantly pouring out. "Take the fucking cut off"

Sam complies then knight is on him knocking him to the ground proceeding to beat the shit out of him. "If you ever go near my sister or nephew again I will kill you. Do you understand?"


"Get whatever shit you have here and leave you're done"

Sam limps out of the office holding his ribs. "Thanks for sticking up for my sister prez."

"No problem brother."

It's been two days the was able to find the man that ran knight off the road. He's no longer breathing and his head was sent to the sinners as a message. No one messes with my club. Period.

We all hanging out at the club house. I'm sitting at the bar with knight when his phone rings.

"Hey, sis what's up?" He answers and my heart rate instantly spikes. "Umm yeah, actually the club owns a contraction company. What kind of work do you need done?..... you have a guest house?,,,,, hmmm makes sense for what?..... okay pey ill come out in a few and check it out..... no ill get a ride, see you soon."

"What's going on?"

"My sister has a guest house on the back of her property. It needs some work done. She's letting one of elis friends move in I guess."

"Let's go check it out I'll drive."

Knight gives me directions as we pull up I'm in a state of shock a 12 foot fence looks like it surrounds the property we pull up to the gate, it's closed I push the intercom button. "Yes?" I hear who I'm assuming is Knights nephew, Eli.

"Hey Eli it's Parker your mom asked me to come by"

"Alright." There's a buzzing sound and the gate opens.

"How much money does your sister have?"

"Honestly, I have no idea bro" He laughs.

Eli and peyton come out of the front door when we pull up. She's so beautiful her hair pulled into a messy bun, a tank top, leggings, without a stitch of make up. "Hey thanks for coming" she smiles brightly at me and her brother.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now