chapter 14

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How could things go from so perfect to absolute shit in such a short period of time?

Laylas words played on repeat in my head for the last few days. I dont understand why luca would take me to the club house where there was more than one girl he has been screwing for the last couple of months. 

The buring hot water of the shower does nothing to ease the pain in my chest.

I find Eli in the kitchen when I head back down

"Hey mom"

"Hey, kid what are you up to?"

"Making some lunch before I go pick up locklynn from school. I didn't have practice today so she rode with me this moring." He looks up from making his sandwich "you okay mom?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I tell him shrugging

"It's okay to be sad, you know. You don't always have to be so strong"

"I'm okay really, I've got my babies that's all I need." I smile at him "what are you thinking for dinner?"

"Ummm. Locklynn and I were gonna go out with some friends. We can cancel though if you want to eat together, really it's not a big deal."

"No, don't cancle yall are kids go out and have some fun. Just be careful. "

Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of Ellie crying through the baby monitor.

When I get up to ellies room, I pull her out of her crib and hold her close. "Hey my sweet girl. You know mommy loves you so so much. I can't wait to adopt you and make it official. Let's get you changed and fed and we'll go for a walk."

I'm happy to be back in California where it's warm all year around, where I even though it's October I can take my daughter on a nice walk without her getting cold.

Pushing ellie in her stroller through the park is peaceful this time of day. Kids are still in school so there's not many people around. 

About halfway down the trail I feel a knot form in my stomach and my anxiety spikes. I look around and see a man standing by a tree staring at me. I quicken my pace heading back towards the entrance. When I look behind me the man is following but keeping his distance.

I immediately grab my phone from the cup holder if the stroller and drop a pin of my location to Parker and Luca.
Not even thirty seconds later my phone displays Luca's name I answer it.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Someone's following us" I whisper

"Do you recognize them" I hear keys in the background and know he's coming

"No, I have never seen him"

"Get out of the park baby. I'll be there in less than five minutes."

"Stay on the phone please luca."

"I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere."

I hear his bike Rev over the phone. "Luca if anything happens to me promise me you'll take care of my babies."

"Peyton you listen to me right the fuck now. Nothing is going to happen to you."

"Please luca promise me. You'll go through with the adoption. All the paperwork and lawyer information is in my home office. Eli and ellie are the beneficiaries of my will they have enough money to last them a life time i just need you to be there for them."

"I promise baby, but nothing is going to happen to you. Do you hear me?"

I turn my head to see the man getting closer, I quicken my pace but so does he.  "He's getting closer luca."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now