Chapter 2

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Lizzie p.o.v

3 days later

After three days myself, Enzo and Stephanie have packed for the trip and are now on board the Pelican which has been modified on the outside it looks like a normal Pelican but on the inside, there are small sleeping capsules and small showers for 15 people as well as food machine with different kinds of food to choose from and a first aid kit, there is also a glass cell in the back just in case. I settle into my capsule while outside I can hear Enzo complaining that we aren't in the same capsule...he must be mad to think I would share a capsule with him and he must think I am stupid that I don't hear Stephanie sneaking into his capsule in the night of a quickie. Today we received an SOS from the nearby prison saying they need help, they are being attacked by an unidentified enemy and need immediate evac, so we are heading that way now Enzo isn't happy about this but when he is ever happy? It takes us only an hour to get to the prison and as we are landing and see the prison in flames I can't help but think about what could have done this. As we land I feel a hand on me only to see it's Enzo, he has pulled me towards him.

Enzo - don't worry baby I will protect you from these monsters.

I roll my eyes at him, Is he for real? I face the Covenant nearly every day does he really think I am gonna be afraid of a couple of prisoners? I also noticed that Stephanie looks a little mad at him for saying that. The cargo bay door opens and one of the tour guides tells us to stay back as we see two prison guards and 4 prisoners approaching the Pelican but something doesn't feel right I try to hear but unfortunately I could be hear anything thanks to Stephanie.

 The cargo bay door opens and one of the tour guides tells us to stay back as we see two prison guards and 4 prisoners approaching the Pelican but something doesn't feel right I try to hear but unfortunately I could be hear anything thanks to Step...

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Stephanie - will they try to hurt us?

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Stephanie - will they try to hurt us?

She whimpers as she clings to Enzo's arm, I roll my eyes at her as Enzo comforts her.

Enzo - it will be ok ba...Stephanie I won't let them hurt either of you.

Was he really gonna call her baby right in front of me? Fucking dumass, the prisoners are sat down on the seats as the tour guide approaches them to inform the prison guards that the cell in the back isn't ready yet but we can transport them to a nearby facility, suddenly my eyes land on the prisoners 1 African American, 1 white man with a black beard, 1 creepy looking fucker and 1 with tattoos on his neck who looks at me and his eyes seem to make my heart flutter...what the fuck?! I quickly look away but then...the prison goes up in flames and I see a purple beam I know all too well. My training kicks in as I rush down the ramp I can hear Enzo calling me to come back but I have to see if my hunch was right, I look up to see it's a CSO-class supercarrier...fuck.

Lizzie - Covenant!! Take off now!!

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Lizzie - Covenant!! Take off now!!

I rush back to the Pelican as it starts to take off using my training I managed to jump onto the ramp as it is closing and roll as I land inside. Everyone looks at me wondering how I did I shake it off but when I walk over to Enzo and Stephanie...Boom!! The whole Pelican starts to shake before crashing into something which knocks everyone out and flames fill up all around us. I am quick to regain consciousness as I feel the heat from the flames I wish I had my armor right now I could make a hole in the wall...wait I've got an idea. I look around to see a small bit of light coming from the cockpit I head up to where the cockpit should be but it has been destroyed and a large piece of metal is blocking it, I try to push it open but it's stuck and is starting to get hot from the fire then I spot a metal bar beside me so I grab it and shove it into the hole, using my strength I managed to move it aside and now I can see outside. As I go to turn around I hear Stephanie panicking and screaming which wakes up Enzo as much as I would love to leave them I can't ignore it so I call down to them.

Lizzie - up here!!

They both look up at me before rushing up to me.

Enzo - baby are you ok?

Lizzie - I am fine, take Stephanie and get to a safe distance.

Enzo - what about you?

Lizzie - I will be fine, I am a Spartan.

There is a little explosion a couple of feet away.

Lizzie - go now!!

without hesitation, both ends me and Stephanie climb out of the hole, I go to back to check on the rest of the passengers, but I could only find 4 other passengers the rest including the guide were dead, and the prisoners and the guards were alive but I noticed that one of the prisoners is hurt as they help him out, as I go to head out I hear I tiny little voice.

??? - Help...

I go toward the sound and it leads me to a collapsed capsule so I look inside it only to see a small child around 6 nearly getting crushed by the capsule ceiling.

Child - help me, please.

Lizzie - it's ok, I will get you out.

The flames are getting closer to us as I reach into the capsule to check how bad it is, using my strength I push the ceiling upwards but it's only moved a little but it was enough for me to grab the little girl and gently pull her out. Once she is out she looks at me.

Child - wow, you are really strong.

Lizzie - thanks, now let's get you out of here.

I take her hand but she doesn't move and points to something.

Child - my dolly...

Looking at where she is pointing I see her doll next to the first-aid kit which we will need since she has a cut on the back of her leg, so I help her onto my back.

Lizzie - ok, hold on tight.

She nods while holding onto me, I run and grab both the doll with one hand and the first-aid kit with the other before heading for the escape hole I made. Before climbing out I had to put the doll into my mouth so I could climb out, which I can do. After climbing out I jump down onto the ground and run towards the other survivors. I was relieved when one of the survivors turned out to be the child's mother who thanked me for saving her baby, I hand the child her doll before opening the first-aid kit and treating her wound. Enzo and Stephanie come over to me then Enzo tries to hug me but I push him away so I can attend to the wounded which didn't sit well with him.

Enzo - babe don't push me away I was worried about you.


Lizzie - Enzo I am busy attending to this wounded child I've no time for you right now.

Before he could respond the sound of a gunshot goes off followed by another one. Turning my head I see what is going on the guards are dead and the prisoners have gotten out of their cuffs and two of them have the guard's magnums, Oh crap, this can't be good.

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