Chapter 10

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Carson p.o.v

Within a couple of hours, I go from being free to being put behind bars again. As soon as me and Jerome stepped off that transport we were back in cuffs and thrown back into a different prison, this one was inside New Alexandria and is a lot more crowded. After a while they what are up to interrogation to find out where Greg and Ray are, I told them I didn't know. They had me attached to a lie detector so they knew I was telling the truth, well I wasn't lying I don't know where the two of them are. Jerome has been on my case since I didn't tell him that Lizzie was a Spartan but it wasn't my secret to tell, I don't care if he is mad at me he can be mad at me all he wants but I wasn't gonna betray her trust especially when I was falling for her so quickly and even now I can't stop thinking about her. Lying on the top bunk I stare up at the ceiling thinking about Lizzie that is until Jerome's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

Jerome - yo, Earth to Carson.

I turn my head to look at him.

Carson - what?

Jerome - I was asking what the wardens asked you but I can tell by the look on your face that your mind is on a red-headed woman.

I roll my eyes as I hear him chuckle at me.

Carson - they were just asking me if I knew where Greg and Ray are.

He goes to say something but gets interrupted when a guard comes to the door.

Guard - Rogers!

I jump down from my bunk then myself and Jerome stand at attention it feels like we are in the army than in prison, doesn't help that the guard used to be in the army.

Carson - yes sir.

Guard - you have got visitors, get ready.

visitors? that's strange I never get any visitors for the past year, not even my family to come to visit me but I have gotten letters from my sister, even Jerome looks a bit surprised that someone has come to visit me. I have my own suspicions as I follow the guard to the visiting area since I've heard that the prison guards here actually beat up inmates, fortunately, we actually do go to visit the area and I see who is visiting me.

Carson - mum? Dad? Aspen?

Carson - mum? Dad? Aspen?

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My family actually came to visit me after 4 years, Aspen runs to me and hugs me crying into my chest as I hug her back

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My family actually came to visit me after 4 years, Aspen runs to me and hugs me crying into my chest as I hug her back.

Aspen - I've missed you so much Carson, I am so sorry it's all my fault you are here.

Wait what? How could she think it was her fault?

Carson - I've missed you too Aspen and don't say that it wasn't your fault, I've told you this before I did what I did to make sure that they would never hurt another woman or girl again.

We walk over to our parents, I can see that my mum has tears in her eyes before she hugs me.

Rosette  - my baby boy.

Carson - hi mum.

Then I look at my father who I am surprised to see since he has only come to see me twice before and that was only for my birthday.

Atlas - hello son.

Carson - dad, so what's going on?

We all sit at the table as we talk.

Atlas - we have a few things to talk about.

Rosette - we heard what happened at the prison and we got worried.

Carson - really? Then why haven't you visited me in a year?

My mum looks upset and looks away.

Atlas - we have our reasons, son.

Carson - oh now I am your son considering you haven't visited me either, I've only seen you twice.

Atlas - Carson...

Carson - forget it, so what else is going on?

There is an uncomfortable silence before Aspen speaks up and says something that annoys me.

Aspen - well...two things actually, the first is that Vanessa is back.

Carson - your kidding right?

Long story short, Vanessa is my ex-fiance, we had been together since high school and had gotten engaged but after I was sentenced she broke it off, dumped me, and left, I heard that she was with another billionaire's son which did hurt at the time I got over it I had a feeling that she was only with me for money which I hoped was wrong but after she left I realized I was right.

Aspen - yeah she actually wanted to come and see you but I told her that was a bad idea and to leave you be.

Aspen has never liked Vanessa so I am not surprised that she did that but I am surprised as to why she wants to see me now. I suddenly notice that Aspen is bouncing up and down slightly in her chair she only does that when she is happy about something.

Carson - what are you so happy about?

They all look at each other and smile...ok now I am getting freaked out, what is going on? My mum takes my hand in hers and smiles at me and what she says I can't believe.

Rosette - we have received word that you are getting out next week.

My eyes widen in shock that can't be true I haven't heard anything so it's impossible.

Carson - are you sure I haven't heard anything about it and I've only served 4 years of my sentence?

Atlas - you have, but we got a call saying that you had helped a UNSC Spartan and your record says that with your good behavior, they say that you are eligible for early release but you will be on probation for six months.

What? This can't be real I don't know any....oh wait a minute could Lizzie be behind this? Soon after the visit was over I am taken back to my cell only to find out that Jerome has been told the same thing but he has to wait till next month to get out I will probably receive some backlash for getting out early, I could have gotten out early before with paying my bail but I decided to serve my time instead, I am not gonna get my hopes up just in case this is fake but I guess I will find out in a week.

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