Chapter 9

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Lizzie p.o.v

It didn't take us long to get back to New Alexandria, I give my report to Adriano so he knows what has happened the past couple of days and he checks to make sure that I am ok since we have known each other for a long time so he is quite protective over me just as much as my brothers are. I wanted to talk to Carons but unfortunately, as soon as we landed some prison guards came for Carson and Jerome so I didn't get a chance to talk to them I will have to sort something out I hope Carson will be ok. As they are put into a transport I spot Enzo and Stephanie coming over to me looking all "concerned", Annalise comes up beside me.

Annalise - I know that look, Lizzie.

Lizzie - what look?

Annalise - the "I can't be fucked with him" look, so I am guessing you haven't broken it off with the asshole?

Annalise and all the squad know what Enzo has been up to, So they are gonna love what I am about to do.

Lizzie - I am just about to.

Enzo is about to hug me when I raise my hand and slap him across the face, he looks shocked then a bit angry.

Enzo - Lizzie what the fuck was that for?!

Lizzie - you know fair well what is was for you goddam son of a bitch.

Enzo - I tried to save you from those prisoners baby...

Is he serious right now? I roll my eyes and try to hold in my temptation to grab Annalise's gun and shoot him as I cut him off.

Lizzie - I am not talking about that I am talking about the fact that you have been sleeping with Stephanie and you think I am so stupid I didn't know about it?

They both look shocked and confused, of course, Enzo has to deny it.

Enzo - baby I swear that there is nothing like that going on, I love...

Lizzie - oh cut the crap Enzo would ya.

I cut him off before looking back to Casey who steps forward and hands me a tablet which I take from him. Casey stands beside me and while I load up a video my other teammates stand with me, I play the video and show it to Enzo and Stephanie who both go pale.

Lizzie - I forgot to mention that I've known for a year, I had Dean and Casey put up security cameras in my apartment so I know I've time you two have had sex. Oh, and by the way Stephanie I want you out of my apartment so pack your shit and get the fuck out.

Stephanie can't believe what she is hearing as she tries to defend herself.

Stephanie - but Lizzie where I am gonna go? I've nowhere else to go, please don't do this to me.

Lizzie - I can think of one place you will usually go.

I look to Enzo who is probably going to place all the blame on her.

Enzo - lizzie, baby I swear it wasn't my fault she seduced me.

See, there is a look of shock on Stephanie's face like she can't believe you just said that.

Stephanie - excuse me??

Enzo turns to look at her.

Enzo - you heard me, you seduced me and made me cheat on the love of my life.

I just couldn't help but laugh, is he for real? Both Stephanie and Enzo look back at me.

Lizzie - "the love of your life" that's a laugh.

Enzo - baby I...

He goes to touch me but I slap his hand away.

Lizzie - I am not your baby, we are done take your slut and get out of my face.

After I say that his true self comes out as he grabs Stephanie's hand.

Enzo - fine, I am fucking Stephanie and you know what it feels so good, and maybe I wouldn't have cheated if you didn't neglect me.

What? How in the hell does he make that one out?

Lizzie - how in the hell do you make that one out?

Enzo - if you won't so busy being a stupid and worthless Spartan then maybe you could have attended to my needs. My needs should come before your stupid Spartan friends.

Oh hell no he did not just say that normally I can control my temper but not this time I couldn't stop my fist as I punch Enzo in the face causing him to stumble backward Stephanie rushes to help him and then they both glare at me.

Lizzie - don't you ever disrespect my squad again.

Enzo - or what?

Enzo goes to step toward me in a threatening way with a brave look on his face but Jake, Dean, and Adriano then step in front of me and that brave look on Enzo's face disappears. Stephanie then tries to be brave.

Stephanie - oh you need your big strong men to fight your battles now?

I don't even get a chance to respond because this time as Annalise fly kicks both of them and they roll backwards down the ramp I try to hold in my laugh but it was so hard I couldn't help it but it wasn't just me as all the squad burst out laughing. Enzo growls at us before walking off with Stephanie something is telling me that I haven't heard the last of him, I will have to make sure Stephanie moves out by the end of the day but before that, I need to do something, so I turn to Adriano.

Lizzie - Adriano I need your help with something

He looks at me wondering what I am gonna say.

Adriano - sure what's up?

Lizzie - I need to talk to Admiral Musa Ghanem or Colonel Holland, it's important

Adriano knows that I would never ask to speak to anyone who's a higher rank without a good reason so he agreed to set up a call for me I just hope that what I have planned works.

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