Chapter 26

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Lizzie p.o.v

We managed to get around the ants without alerting them to our presents when we were just about to leave the city I got a thought in my head, I wonder if Tristan made it out ok, so send a text to Tristan asking him if he has gotten out ok. I am relieved when I get a text back from him saying he is at Sword base, thanks to Adriano who manage to get his staff out when the alarm went off, he is always looking after people. Everyone stops walking when Vanessa speaks up and is pointing back to the city from Jake's back.

Vanessa - what is that?

Looking back at the city we can see that the ants are climbing up every building only to bring them down, not to mention that the Hornets seem to be building something.

Jake - this can't be good.

Atlas - agreed.

Enzo - so where exactly are we going?

For fuck sake Enzo, he really is stupid what the fuck did I ever see in him? Before I could say anything Annalise beats me to it.

Annalise - Enzo we are not going to repeat ourselves just because you are stupid.

We have already told the group that we are heading for Sword Base which is, unfortunately, a few day's walk from New Alexandria and since we have injured people and a newborn with us it will take longer to take there not to mention that there might be some Ravagers to deal with on the way there, of course, Stephanie defends her man....ugh that's so cringy to say.

Stephanie - don't you dare speak to my man like that.

And of course, Annalise is quick to respond.

Annalise - oh shut up, you silly old skank.

Stephanie - excuse me but who the fuck do you think you're calling old?

Annalise - you.

Stephanie goes to step toward Annalise but Enzo holds her back and whispers something into her earth which she nods at him, I can't help but wonder what he said to her tho because usually she is a right bitch to calm down mind you I did notice when me and Enzo we're together how he manages to calm her down so easily but I guess that makes sense he was sleeping with her. We set off again and this time Aspen wanted to walk so Shane is keeping an eye on her as she walks just to make sure she is ok, Shane is to keep an eye on Rosette and Vanessa too as well as Odette who has been surprisingly calm through all this.

After a couple of more miles of walking, it is now coming close to dusk and we need to take a quick break since everyone is exhausted except for me, Shane, Jake, and Annalise since we have higher endurance than normal humans, as I look around I can see in breastfeeding, Odette and Arthur has put his jacket on her to give her some privacy and everyone else is taking a break. Shane is checking on the ones who are injured, I think Jake might have a little crush on Vanessa which is weird since he hardly ever gets crushes.on any woman, Jake's the type that wants to focus on his career whether than on a relationship.

I am about 30 ft from the group and Carson is with his family but we do keep stealing glances at each other I notice that Aspen said something to him which results in him looking back at her, he then gets up and comes over to me I take off my helmet before he reaches me and takes me into his arms, we seem to be safe so it wouldn't hurt to have some time with him.

Lizzie - is everything ok?

Carson - yeah, I just remembered that we were gonna have a date night tonight.

Oh, with everything that's going on, I had forgotten about it.

Lizzie - oh crap I had completely forgotten about that.

Carson - after everything that's happened I'm not surprised because I forgot about it too until Aspen reminded me. I'm sorry

Lizzie - don't be it wasn't your fault besides...

I pause as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and he wraps his arms around my body.

Lizzie - we can make it up to each other later somehow.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

Carson - really? What did you have in mind? And aren't you might to be keeping an eye out for any bugs?

Lizzie - first off I have an earpiece that alerts me to approaching enemies and Annalise is also keeping watching so I believe we are safe.

Carson - fair enough.

Lizzie - and secondly I've got a good idea to start with...

I pull him to me and our lips meet in a passionate kiss, His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside I really love kissing this man. He pulls me closer seeping the kiss when we have to stop as we hear Enzo groaning in disgust.

Enzo - do you two have to do that here?

Carson - why are you even watching us?

Enzo - it's hard to miss, when you are basically having sex in front of everyone.

Before anyone could respond Jake beats us to it.

Jake - for fuck same Enzo will you just shut your hole before I shut it for you!! I am sick of listening to your whining so either shut your trap or I will feed you to the bugs myself!!!

Go, Jake, that's my brother. The thing is Jake has never liked Enzo so I bet that felt so good for him to say not to mention that Jake doesn't give mindless threats if he sees any woman getting harassed by a man he steps in and boy does he do damage. Enzo seems shocked by Jake's outburst but it shuts him up at least for now, after spending a couple of hours of being in Carson's arms I returned to my post for the night watch to my surprise most of the night was quiet until it came up to 05:00 hours when I start to hear a faint yelling coming from a distance ahead of us, looking at Jake he gives me the order to "check it out but before careful" dude it's me. As the yelling gets louder I notice webbing on the ground which means a spider is nearby, I turn on my night vision and I can see all the web tucked in between two hills, on top of the web is the missing Retiarius that went missing from New Alexandria. I suddenly notice movement coming from the web and it wasn't the Retiarius using my sniper rifle look through my scope to see what it is only to see that two people are caught in the web, the Retiarius is heading right for them and I get a quick idea in my head it may be the most stupidest idea of ever had but I need to act fast to safe those people.

Using my Sprint and Active Camouflage abilities I quickly sneak up the hill so I can get behind the Retiarius, once I am in position so I take out my energy sword and activate it then using my jet pack I zoom up into the air then come flying back down right on top of Retiarius who looks up to see what the noise the time it was ready to shot its web at me up in the air to defend itself I had already stuck the energy sword between its eyes and cut it half due to the speed I was going at, it let out a scream as it died and I turned my attention to the cocoon people in the web. Good thing they weren't that high up so I easily cut them down and they fall to the ground, I hear muttered words coming from inside of one of them.

Lizzie - hang on I will get you out.

I cut into the webbing and I'm surprised as to who is it...

Lizzie - what the hell are you doing here?

Greg - do I know you?

Lizzie - you should your little half-brother tried to touch me.

He seems to think for a minute before his eyes widen in realization.

Greg - Lizzie is that you?

I nod then go over to the other cocoon person who I am guessing will be Ray and I was right when I opened the cocoon there he was, unfortunately, Ray was dead...

Greg - Ray!!

and by the way, Greg jumped up and then rushed over 5o him I am guessing he didn't know.

Greg - my little brother.

Ray may have been a serial rapist but he was Greg's brother and that's the only reason I feel sorry for him right now.

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