Chapter 4

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Lizzie p.o.v

After I finish examining the injured man whose name I find out is Jerome I find he has a large open cut on his chest and a second-degree burn down his arm, I treat the cut first as he was losing blood from it, I will need to clean and stop the bleeding before dressing the wound, there is a painkiller in the kit but it would last long so I will have to treat him as best as I can. As I am treating Jerome the drive was getting a little bit bumpy.

Lizzie - can you slow down, I can't treat him with you going at this speed.

That was actually a lie I could treat him since I did it before, one of my squad members when they were hurt, Shane taught me everything there is to know about medicine so I could help out anytime he needed an extra pair of hands. The driver completely ignores my request to slow down and the front passenger looks around at me and points his gun at me before licking his lips which sends slivers of disgust down my spine then turns back around and starts talking to the driver.

Peters - what are you planning on doing with that nice piece anyway Greg?

Greg? So that's the bearded one's name and did he really just call me a piece?

Greg - don't you worry about it Peters, you just make sure she doesn't run or do something stupid.

They do realize that I can hear them right? Ugh, men, I know three of their names so far but I still don't know the name of the last one but he does seem to be friends with Jerome since he hasn't left his side not to mention he is kinda Lizzie stop that, remember your training. After I finish dressing the wound on Jerome's chest I start work on the burn down his arm unfortunately the pain medication is now wearing off.

Jerome - ahhhh fuck.

Lizzie - I am sorry but the pain medication is wearing off and there isn't anymore so this will hurt, I will try to be as quick as I can.

He nods at me then I start treating his burn, after cooling it down with water from the water bottle I dress it in a loose dressing so I don't cut off circulation. I get Jerome to drink the rest of the water so he doesn't dehydrated then I advise him to get some rest. We continue to drive for a good couple of hours before we finally stop at what looks like a warehouse, Greg stops the Warthog and then looks around at me and then at the other prisoner then tells Peters to go and check out the warehouse before talking to us.

Greg - what's your name again?

Carson - Carson, Carson Rogers.

So that's his name Greg looks surprised.

Greg - so you're the famous Carson Rogers.

Carson - yeah, you got a problem with that?

Greg - nope in fact it's perfect, you can be the one to watch her.

Greg looks at me when he says "her" like I don't know he was talking about me then he hands Carson his gun.

Greg - make sure she behaves and doesn't cause trouble.

Ugh, men but what Carson says surprises me as he rejects the gun.

Carson - fine I will watch her but I won't need the gun.

Greg - ok if you say so.

Greg hops out of the Warthog and goes after Peters, as we sit there in silence but I do notice that Carson does his eyes on me from time to time. It takes Peters and Greg 20 minutes to come back to the Warthog.

Greg - we will stop here for the night, so move Jerome inside.

Demanding much, Carson and Peters go to move Jerome but Jerome doesn't want Peters near him for some reason so I help stand him as we walk into the warehouse.


Enzo p.o.v

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

This isn't good, after hours of waiting we finally get picked up and are taken to the nearest hospital, Even though I am glad that Stephanie is safe I am worried about Lizzie with those 4 men. My plan isn't going well so far, I plan to marry Lizzie and have her quit being a stupid Spartan as for Stephanie she will be my mistress or my side piece. For that to happen I need Lizzie back which means I need to call her team and I don't much like her captain I think he is trying to steal my so-to-be wife. I call the base and my call gets transferred to Lizzie's team, within a few minutes her captain answers the call.

Adriano - hello...oh it's you what do you want?

Enzo - hello to you too,

Adriano - what do you want Enzo?

Enzo - it's about Lizzie.

He looks worried as I explain what's happened, I know he cares about her but I don't care what he thinks Lizzie is mine and soon she will quit being a Spartan but first I need to get her back safe. Adriano tells me that the squad will sort something out and go after Lizzie and that I don't have to worry. I end the call then I go into the room where Stephanie is, she doesn't actually know my plan for her yet but soon she will but right now I need a release and her pussy is always wet and ready for me

Stephanie - hey baby now it's just us, can we go home now?

Enzo - yeah, we can but make sure we keep it on the down low just in case anyone comes around.

We are both discharged with only a couple of scratches but nothing to worry about and I take Stephanie home so much for that tour, hopefully, we can get the money for it back. As soon as we get into the apartment it's straight to the bedroom do I can finally have my daily release.

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