Chapter 13

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Lizzie p.o.v

I couldn't stop thinking about Carson that night not to mention that I can't get the image of both of us dancing to that song in my head, he even sent me a good night text which I found was really sweet of him. We agreed to meet up again soon I feel myself being torn one side of me wants to see where this can go while the other wants to focus on being a Spartan and soon I will be back on duty so I won't get to see him as much I would like to but for now I guess I could try. As I am preparing some breakfast at 0600 hours that same song from last night comes into my head and my hips start swaying as I hum the song.

Lizzie - mmmm It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched, 'til the time had run out.

I am getting into the grove when suddenly the sound of Annalise's voice makes me nearly jump out of my skin.

Annalise - someone's in a good mood.

Lizzie - Ahh fucking hell Annalise!!

I nearly threw the knife I was using to cut up my fruit at her, she just bursts out with laughter as she holds her stomach she is always playing pranks on me. When she finished laughing she sits down on the kitchen bar table both of us are wearing shorts and a vest top, I bring my fruit salad and a glass of orange juice over and sat it down on the table.

Lizzie - so bitch what do you want for breakfast.

Annalise - you know we have a food dispenser?

Lizzie - yeah I know but I just like making my own.

Annalise - fair enough.

She looks at the choices for breakfast on the panel before choosing some cereal and a chocolate brownie which looks so good that I want one too.

Annalise - so much for our diets.

That's true being elite winged Spartans we have to stay in the same weight class.

Lizzie - true but it's not like we can't work it off in the gym.

Yeah we put in a home gym, the room it's in used to be Enzo's game room but after Stephanie moved out me and Annalise turns it into a home gym which comes in handy for us to train.

Annalise - so how was your date last night?

Lizzie - ugh it wasn't a date, it was just a drink.

Annalise - then why are you in sure a good mood this morning?

She isn't going to let this go and in our team, we believe that we shouldn't keep secrets between teammates so I tell her that we talked about some stuff then we together which causes her to let out a schoolgirl squeal.

Annalise - oh my god that's so precious you haven't danced in a long time.

Lizzie - yeah...

Annalise - it's a shame really, you are a beautiful dancer not to mention a Champion.

I know she is right I used to be a Champion and I loved dancing until I put all my time into being a Spartan. We finish eating breakfast then go and get changed so we can have our workouts, we work out for 4 hours none stop before we both stop as we are sweaty, Annalise is on the floor trying to catch her breath so I pass her a bottle of water and she gulps the water.

Annalise - I swear not everyone can do this kind of intense workout.

Lizzie - yeah, I know what you mean but our bodies are used to this.

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