Chapter 14

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Lizzie p.o.v

After 5 minutes of standing outside the restaurant calming myself, I head back in, and just in time as the food arrives at the table just as I approach it. I sit down and Shane asks me if I am ok, I tell him that I will be fine now. We eat in complete silence until mum speaks up getting our attention.

Isabella (mum) - I have something to ask of you all.

Why don't I like the sound of this?

Casey - what's that?

Mum takes a deep breath calming herself down before asking us her question.

Isabella (mum) - I would like for you all to come to our wedding and be apart of your new siblings life.

She must be kidding Jake is the first to voice his opinion and ask the first question

Jake - do you really think that is a good idea? Essentially after everything that he did to not only you but to Lizzie?

Isabella (mum) - I know what he did was bad but he isn't that same person anymore.

Casey - oh please mum he isn't going to change, he was a thug then and he's a thug now.

Shane - and what are you going to do if he does the same thing to the baby?

Arthur then speaks up defending himself.

Arthur - I would never hurt my child thank you very much, I am a lot better now. I have had anger management and counseling I become q better person for your mother, she is the love of my life.

Oh my God I am gonna throw up I don't even think anyone at this table believes him except for mum of course but I wasn't expecting mum to ask us the next question as she places a couple of small boxes onto the table and then pushes it towards me and my brothers

Isabella (mum) - Jake, Casey, Dean, Shane, and Lizzie, I know you are mad right now, but I want you to know that I love you so much you are my children and I would love for you to be at my wedding and to be in this little ones life.

She motions us to open the boxes so we open them, inside mine is a small rose bracelet with not only my name engraved on it but also the words "big sister". I don't even know what to say my relationship with my mother was good growing up that is until she married him. Then we started to drift apart as she kept on defending him and kept going back to him even after we put him in the hospital. I can feel my brother's eyes on me waiting for an answer it's not that I don't want a relationship with my mum and this baby I just can't stand him, I can't speak for my brothers but I can't Stand by and watch him pretend to be a "reformed" man I close the box and push it back, I can see the sadness in my mum's eyes.

Lizzie - I am sorry mum but I can't do it, I won't speak for the guys but I can't watch him pretend to be a "reformed" man, once a thug always a thug.

Mum sobs while Arthur tries to comfort her, Jake accepts the invite and then gets a call saying that his robotic arm is ready to be installed so he excuses himself and leaves the lucky bastard,  Dean, and Casey both said they would think about it then excuses themselves since Casey says he has a "Hot date" or so he says while Dean wants to heads to do some work on his Pelican and Shane agrees to go to the wedding before following Jake out of the restaurant probably to help him with his new arm since Shane is the medic of our squad. I go to pay the bill but the waitress tells me that it's on the house, orders from the boss I kinda had a feeling Adriano was gonna do that. As I go to leave I look back to the table and lock eyes with my mother who is giving me a pleading look, feeling my eyes watering I mouth 'I'm sorry" to her then I walk out of the door. I feel bad leaving like this but I really don't know what else to do since me and my brothers have done everything to get her away from him but she keeps going back and I feel like we are at our wit's end. When I get back to my apartment I call out to see if Annalise is here but get no reply so she must be out, I am not sure what to think so much going through my head, after getting a drink I sit down on the couch my phone starts to ring knowing it could be important so I just got dressed when I get a call so I take out the earpiece and answer it.

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