Chapter 28

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Lizzie p.o.v

After a couple of hours of driving, we get another surprise but this one isn't good whatsoever if fact it takes the form of Flying Aggressors aka the Hornets, and the big-ass bitch Death Queen, fuck I nearly forgot how big and ugly she is. I get onto the machine gun as Jake drives the warthog, as the Hornets come in closer to us I shot at them covering both us and the transport warthog as we pick up speed. Everything seemed to be going well for us of the Death Queens stingers hits mine and Jake's warthog sending both of us flying through the air and then landing with a thud on the ground, thank goodness our armor lock was on if it wasn't then that would have most definitely have hurt a lot, Atlas stops the transport next to us.

Annalise - are you two ok?

Lizzie - yeah I'm good, Jake?

Jake - yeah.

Jake gunts as he stands himself up.

Shane - look out!!

We all start shooting at the Hornets above us while the civilians have their heads down and Mum is protecting a covered-up Odette.

Annalise - get on, now!!

I jump onto the transport while Jake gets onto the machine gun from the warthog and starts firing up at the Hornets, the death queen fires another one of her stringers at the small warthog Jake jumps out of the way just as the stinger hits the warthog then Jake open fires and kills some Hornets, I couldn't help but notice that Vanessa can't take her eyes off Jake, I wonder if she is catching feelings for him? There are only 5 Hornets left along with the Death Queen, firing we easily take down the Hornets so it is just the Queen left, she fires another stinger which goes past us and we hear Stephanie scream which causes us to turn our heads...however, before we could look the Queen attacks again luckily we dodge the attack and suddenly out of nowhere comes two rocket rounds and a dozen plasma rounds hit the Death Queen sending her backward. Overhead comes two Ghosts which I recognize straight away Casey took them from a covenant base not long ago and customize them, behind them is a Pelican, then Dean's voice comes through the communications.

Dean - need a little help?

Both Ghosts and the Pelican open fire on the Death Queen as do we, after a few minutes she is finally died when I turn around to check on everyone I get another sight that breaks my heart completely.

Lizzie - mum!!!!

I rush over to the others only to see that one of the Death Queens stingers has impaled not only Mum but, Arthur whose body is positioned like he was covering her like he was protecting her but wait...Odette!!

Lizzie - where's Odette?

Before I could touch the bodies Carson stops me and when I turn to look at him I see that he has Odette in his arms, Dean lands near us and Casey and Adriano land the two Ghost before come over to the rest of us, my brother's can't believe tne sight in front of us. we were so busy shooting that none of us even noticed sooner, while Adriano and Annalise take everyone into the Pelican myself, Jake, Shane, Casey, and Dean take our mum's and Arthur's bodies off the stinger to bury them. After we bury Mum and head onto the Pelican I can feel my eyes water with tears but thanks to my helmet no one could see my face, Jake goes and takes Odette from Carson then Carson comes over to me but unfortunately we can't talk yet as we are about to take off so we all sit down and strap ourselves in, Carson is next to me and I feel him taking my hand trying to comfort me, my mind starts to wonder off I can't believe it after finally getting mum back in my life I lose her all over again, while we are in the air memories of our childhood comes into my head, I remember when just before dad was killed by the covenant we used to take little day trips and have treats afterward, another one comes into my head when I was young I wasn't very good at swimming and mum used to teach me how to swim. Many more memories came into my head that I didn't even notice a stray tear had come out of my eye until I felt the wetness running down my cheek, I took off my helmet and Carson must have seen it because he wipes my cheek which causes me to look at him.

Carson - I'm here for you baby, you know that right?

Lizzie - I know you are Carson, I love you for that, and thank you for saving Odette but I am almost afraid to ask this what happened? One mine everything was fine then the next.


Carson p.o.v

Fuck how I am supposed to tell Lizzie what happened? When I can handle believe it myself.

Lizzie - please Carson tell me.

She has a pledging look on her face, I sign I guess I have no choice I just hope she can handle it.

Carson - you guys were shooting at that big wasp thing the rest of us were hunkered down in the warthog but unfortunately the stingers kept hitting us, your mum was scared that Odette was gonna get hit so she wanted to get out of the way of the stingers, so we were gonna pull the warthog onto its side.

I can see that she has a look on her face that says "fuck why didn't we do that first?" I should stop for now until she is ready.

Carson - do you want me to stop?

Lizzie shakes her head no at me but I can tell that this is hard for her even if she is trying to put on a brave face and I feel like her brother will want to hear this too.

Carson - I think that's enough for now but I promise that I will tell you the rest later when you are feeling up to it.

Lizzie - ....thank you.

It's like she needed me to say that I could tell her heart was breaking, I can't imagine what she is feeling right now. I have seen the stages of grief from when my mum's parents passed away but since Lizzie didn't talk to her mum for a long time I know that Spartans kept their emotions to themselves, always controlling bursts of emotion. I know this may sound selfish but I am hoping that she can get some time off to heal from this but knowing her that won't happen.

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