Chapter 3

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Carson p.o.v

You are probably wondering what's my story and why I am in prison so I will tell you,

I was born in New Alexandria to a very wealthy family there are my parents and my younger sister which is how I got here in the first place. I was working at my dad's company when I got a message from my mum saying that my sister had been kidnapped. She was found a week later alive but badly beaten, we had to her to the hospital where we found out that she had been violently sexually assaulted to which I went into a rage and killed the men that hurt my sister but not before finding out that they had taken other girls for different ages, according to them they wanted a "complete collection". Even though I saved those other girls I was charged with Manslaughter and got a sentence of 10 years, I was placed in a prison outside of New Alexandria where I am spent the last 4 years. I've got a cellmate Jerome who was charged with robbery and arson, we have become friends over the years.

Now on to how we got here, well myself and Jerome we're just chilling when all of a sudden the floor of our wing starts to shake, and something burst through it killing a couple of prisoners so the guards locked our cells while trying to deal with whatever had come out of the floor. Even though we were locked in our cells that didn't stop it and it killed nearly everyone before moving away so the guards put out an SOS and took the 4 remaining prisoners outside until that modified Pelican came to transport us to fuck knows where. I knew that the Pelican was one for those tour ones since I had seen them passing before but what I didn't expect was seeing the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen,  I am not usually into redheads but this woman was something else especially when she rushed outside and told the pilot to take off since the Covenant we're here and then when she jumped and rolled back in was so cool I was shocked, to say the least. Doesn't help that we were shot down and Jerome was hurt from the crash as I try to keep him calm so he doesn't bleed out the two other prisoners Peters and Greg Simmons had grabbed the guard's guns and killed both of them.

Greg looks at me and Jerome as he and Peters point guns at the other passengers so they can't move.

Greg - I am giving you two a choice here come with us and be free or stay here and die, so what will it be?

It will take another transport a good couple of hours to get here and I don't want to add more years onto my sentence but Jerome needs medical attention. Before I could respond Peters calls out to Greg.

Peters - Yo, Greg check it out.

I look over at what they are looking at and I see a warthog the I look at Jerome who nods then back at Greg and give him my answer.

I look over at what they are looking at and I see a warthog the I look at Jerome who nods then back at Greg and give him my answer

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Carson - we are in but Jerome needs medical attention.

Jerome - I will be fine....owwww

He groans in pain, then Greg looks at the passengers before walking over to them is he really gonna do what I think he is?


Lizzie p.o.v

The bearded man came over to us and looked us over then his eyes landed on me before he grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet, Enzo goes to step forward.

Enzo - get your hands off my girlfriend!!

The man points his gun at Enzo.

Greg - Step back asshole unless you want a bullet to your brain.

Enzo gulps before putting up his hands in surrender pussy some man he is, then the man looks back at me.

Greg - I saw you give that child first aid so that means you have experience in that stuff?

Lizzie - obviously.

He clearly wasn't amused with my answer as he turns the gun on me and puts it under my chin.

Greg - I am only gonna say this once cuz I don't like to repeat myself, I want no cheek from you because if I get any I won't hesitate to shoot you or anyone here including that child, Understand me?

I don't want him to hurt the little girl who is hiding behind her mother, I don't think they know that I am Spartan so for now I will play along.

Lizzie - yes, I understand.

Greg - good, now move and no funny business.

He pulls at my arm getting me to walk to the other prisoners while he grabs the first aid kit, as I walk I hear Enzo's voice. telling me not to go I roll my eyes at him, since when does he suddenly care? He's been sleeping with my roommate for ages. I hear a shot going off and quickly turn my head to see what's going on only to see the man fires a warning shot at Enzo's feet and gives them a stiff warning not to follow us, walking towards the warthog the other two prisoners are helping the injured one into the back so that's why they need me. The creepy-looking one is looking at me up and down and smirking I better watch out for him he could be trouble, the bearded one jabs the gun into my back and places the first aid kit into the warthog.

Greg - move it and help him.

I climb into the back with two of the prisoners while the other two go in the driver and front passenger seats, for now, I will play it start, and hopefully, I can think of an escape plan if they don't kill me first.


A/N short I know but I am not used to writing Halo stories but please bare with me, also I wanted to show a bit of Carson's background more on the others in later chapters, and don't worry action is coming.

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