Chapter 27

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Lizzie p.o.v

After Greg says goodbye to his brother and took something from him, he asked me if I could burn his body so the bugs wouldn't get at it. I was hesitant but soon agreed to do it, since we were standing on dirt I can start a fire without burning the grass nearby so after I cover Ray back up with the webbing then stand back a few feet before throwing a flame grenade right on top of it, within seconds the cocoon is in flames and I turn around to see that Greg is standing looking the other way. I guess this would be hard for anyone, after a couple of minutes he asks me if my squad is nearby or if I am alone, I tell him that my squad is near and we are going to take some civilians to Sword Base for safety.

Greg - would it be too much to ask to come?

I should say no but since he is a hardened criminal but then again we are all human and should stick together against these bugs, so I agree to take him to the group but not before I ask to him to behave himself and not to put anyone in danger. He agreed and we set off back to the group, as we are walking I can't help but wonder how and why he got into prison I'm the first place, not to mention I can't help but notice that he has trimmed his beard down.

Greg - just ask.

Lizzie - huh?

Greg - I can feel your eyes on me and that you want to ask something so just ask already.

Lizzie - don't take this the wrong way but how is the hell did you get into prison in the first place?

Greg - I take it, Carson didn't tell you?

Lizzie - yeah he told me that you were in for Human Trafficking but my question is why did you do it in the first place? I mean you seem to care for people so why?

Greg - you really want to hear my life story?

He seems surprised that I would ask that to be honest I am actually surprised that I would even want to know or maybe it's because that Rosette is in love with him so maybe she sees something in him that we didn't.

Lizzie - yeah I actually do want to know we have a few minutes to get back to the group so why not.

Greg - ok then but I've only ever told one person other than Ray any of this so you are so lucky not even the police know this.

Only one person? I am gonna guess that would be Rosette, I just listen to his story as he continues talking about his past.

Greg - I wasn't always like this, when I was younger I was like any kid but I didn't know who my father was until I was 11 and my mum died, social services took brought me to my father's place where I met his new family, Ray and his mother who was more into money than her own son...but anyway I loved with them until my 18th birthday when my father came to me and said that it was time for me to learn the "family business" at first I told him no since I had my own bike garage to run it and he seems to be ok with it but when I turn 21 when he asked me again so I only agreed to shut him up and that's when I found out about the "family business".

Lizzie - I am guessing Human Trafficking?

Greg - that about other stuff, anyway, he wanted me to take over I told him I wasn't comfortable doing it but he didn't listen and threatened to kill Ray if I didn't do it, I know that's not an excuse and I am not trying to make excuses so that is why I did some things that my father wouldn't like and ended up in prison for it.

Lizzie - did that have anything to do with Carson's arrest?

Greg - no my dad is from a different group but I did hear what Carson did and felt happy that he did that cuz I would have done the same thing.

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