Chapter 33

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Carson p.o.v

It took a while but we finally got the news that the last nest was destroyed, fair to say that everyone was celebrating until the deaths come up on the board and my heart sinks when I spot one name in particular...Lizzie Smith - KIA...No, no, no!!!! falling to my knees I start punching the floor with my fists, my dad must have noticed since I feel his hand on my shoulder I can't even talk properly the love of my life can't be dead...

Carson - she...can'

Atlas (Dad) - son...

I look at the board and then at my dad.

Carson - she can't be dead Dad, she just can't be.

Jake soon comes into view and looks at the board then at me.

Jake - there is no way Lizzie is dead, she is too good of a Spartan to die...

I swear I can see tears in his eyes but he wipes them away and then walks away I have no idea where he is going, I feel my heart breaking but at the same time something is telling me that she is alive I hope that is true I can't lose her not after that conversation we started. Pulling myself together I stand up and put my hand into my pocket to pull out something I was planning on asking Lizzie sometime in the future, I know we have only been together for a short time but I can't see my life without her, I just hope that board is wrong.


Lizzie p.o.v

I am dizzy as I wake up and I find myself lying down back on the transport, I couldn't seem to remember how I got there or what had happened. But why can't I move? Shane suddenly appears by my side...wait that was it!! The last thing I remember was we were setting up the C4s to blow the tunnels when one went off.

Shane - easy sis.

I realize that I have an oxygen mask on so I managed to use my hand and take it off before taking a few short breaths, Dean and Casey are quick to come to my side.

Lizzie - what happened?

Casey - you don't remember?

Lizzie - The last thing I remember was we were setting up the C4s to blow the tunnels but when one went off.

Dean - yeah that's is what happened but when the tunnel was collapsing you got caught underneath.

I am still trying to lie still since I don't know the extent of my injuries or if I have any, and was anyone else hurt?

Lizzie - what's the extent of my injuries?

Shane first tell me the extent of my injuries which I am not surprised of what there are.

Shane - you have some bruising, and you might have some nerve injury, luckily no fracture (broken bone) or Laceration (open wound).

Dean - it's a good thing your armor lock or it could have been a lot worse.

Lizzie - that's good at least, was anyone else hurt?

They all give each other a worried look, that gets me nervous.

Lizzie - what?

Casey - well...we lost quite a few Spartans and Marines in both the attack on the nest and when the tunnel collapsed and well...we almost lost you and Adriano.

Lizzie - Adriano? Where is he?

I try to sit up but I feel the nerve damage kicking in my back causing me to yelp at the pain, my brother steady me and I notice a medical capsule then I see who is in it...

Lizzie - Adriano...what happened to him?

Casey was anxious when he answers me and what he says shocks me to the core.

Casey - he was trying to protect you,

Lizzie - how?.... What are his injuries?

Shane - when you got hit he used his body to cover you as he activate your armor lock but unfortunately, he didn't activate his on time. He has a couple of fractures, a few lacerations, and an Infection caused by bacteria that enter the body through the wound, think he might have a concussion too.

Oh god he was protecting me and he got hurt, I must have looked really worried for him since Shane mentions it and comforts me.

Shane - hey I know that look he is gonna be ok, we are giving him the first aid he needs.

Adriano is not only our squad's captain but a friend to all of us he's everything you would expect from a leader, he has integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, empathy, and gratitude not to mention that he is so smart that ever since Annalise's brother and ex died he spends more time making sure we all survive each mission and cares for us when we are having problems both on and off duty, I hope he is going to be ok. By the time we got back to Sword base I was walking and they took the injured to the Infirmary so they can get the proper treatment and master chief went to give his report, even though I am worried for Adriano I really want Carson right now, I know Adriano will be ok but I've got a feeling that can't explain, something is telling me that I need to see him. First off I need to take off my armor so it can get fixed then along with Annalise we head down to the bunker, Shane will contact us to let us know how Adriano is doing later on. On the way down Annalise notices that I am jittery.

Annalise - you ok girl?

Before I could answer her I notice something on the wall of the fallen that shocks me.

Lizzie - what the hell?!

Annalise is wondering what I am 5alking about and then looks to where I am looking, I hear her gasp in shock.

Annalise - you're dead?

She just burst out with laughter which annoys me.

Lizzie - it's not funny Annalise what is Carson or Jake have seen that?

Her eyes widen as she realizes what I mean, great(!) Now I need to inform them in the offices that I am alive and find out why my name is up there when I am not dead.

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