Chapter 30

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Lizzie p.o.v

It took us an hour to get back to Sword Base, the first thing that happened is Adriano was called to give our report on our progress and to see what the next mission is. While waiting I saw a couple holding hands and kissing each other, it makes my mind go to Carson and how much I've missed him the past few weeks but would he even still want me after I've been neglecting him I will have to make it up to him somehow. Adriano soon comes back to tell us that we don't have any missions for now but everyone is preparing to go after the final nest so for now we can get some rest, yeah like that's gonna happen especially around here. While the guys head to the mess hall to get something to eat myself and Annalise head down to the bunker that was specially made to keep the civilians safe from an attack from the Covenant but it works just as well with the bug attacks. Once we get inside the bunker we are quick to spot Carson and Atlas, of course, Annalise goes to her man but before I could go to mine something tugs on my arm which causes me to turn my head to see the last person I really wanted to see...

Lizzie - What do you want Enzo?

Enzo - I want you back Lizzie.

I pull my arm away from him, he must be joking.

Lizzie - are you kidding me right now?

Enzo - no I am not kidding baby, I made a mistake picking Stephanie over you I know that now I was overcome with lust and...

I put my hand up stopping him from continuing that sentence that I really didn't want to hear.

Lizzie - stop right there Enzo, first off I will never want you back into my life for what you did to me, and I love Carson he has my heart not you so get that into your head, secondly, I may not like Stephanie but this is a really shitty thing to do to someone even her.

Enzo seems to be taken aback by what I said but then a smug smirk goes on to his face.

Enzo - really? Carson has your heart huh? That's a laugh considering what he's been up to the past couple of days.

Lizzie - what are you talking about now?

Enzo - oh nothing just that he has been with the blonde girl with the big breasts...a lot I believe he is sleeping with her.

Could he be talking about Vanessa but I know that Carson loves me so I know in my heart he wouldn't cheat on me.

Lizzie - yeah right Enzo, you really expect me to believe that?

Enzo - ok I didn't want to show you this but...

Enzo flicks his phone on and then begins to scroll through it before showing me a hologram that at first look is Carson and Vanessa kissing, and with the look on his face he believes that I will fall for it but I am not as gullible as he thinks I am. So I turn the hologram around to show the right angle of the picture which shows that it is Carson and Vanessa sitting apart by the looks of it they are talking.

Lizzie - nice try Enzo, but I trust Carson which is more than I can say for you.

Carson - I am so glad to hear that Lizzie.

Hearing Carson's voice causes me to turn my head to see him standing there, he must have heard what I said, Carson smiles at me and then turns his attention to Enzo and the pair stare intensely at each other before Carson goes to step toward Enzo, I don't want him to get into trouble so I put my hand on his chest stopping him.

Lizzie - don't babe...

Out of nowhere, someone punches Enzo in the face, and with the force that is used, he falls backward and lands on the ground I soon see who punched him.

Jake - whoops sorry my metal arm slipped.

Myself, Carson, and Jake all walk away laughing from an annoyed Enzo and go over to Atlas, Annalise, Aspen, and surprisingly Leon that mercenary we rescued I kinda had a feeling that would happen. I see Rosette on the other end of the bunker with Greg and they are making out like a couple of lovestruck teenagers so I turn my attention back to the others as Jake takes Odette from Aspen and I look over at her.

Lizzie - hi there little angel.

We all have our own little nicknames for Odette just like we have done for each other when we were younger. I feel like I've got a lot of making up to do with everyone I love after the way I have been behaving so for now I will be spending time with my loved ones. Which is what I do for a good couple of hours when suddenly Vanessa comes over and asks if she can talk to me, I only agree to talk because I am wondering what she wants, we sit down a couple of feet away from the others but I can still see Carson watching like he is worried I will smack her or something mind you if she says the wrong thing I probably will end up doing that.

Lizzie - so what's this about?

Vanessa - I wanted to talk with you about something important.


Lizzie - which is?

She takes a deep breath as she says and I can't help but notice her hands are shaking a little bit like she's nervous about whatever it is she wants to ask me.

Vanessa - first off I want like to say that what I am about to say is not a joke or some kind of trick but it's the whole truth, I know you might now believe me but I no longer want to be seen as a threat to you but I would like for us to be maybe friends because...well, I have developed feelings for your brother Jake.

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