Chapter 29

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Carson p.o.v

2 weeks later.

It's been 2 weeks since we arrived at the base and things haven't got much better they have gone to worse, for one those bugs seem to be multiplying with everyone that the army takes out except for the Hornets they died off when Lizzie's team killed off their queen. It's just the spiders and ants that seem to be getting larger in number. They have the civilians in a protective bunker so I haven't seen Lizzie or her brothers for a while and can't to say I really miss her already, I did tell her the best of the story of how her mum died and her reaction which was I expected...heartbroken, for the first couple of days after she wouldn't eat or sleep the only thing she did was train in the training room then she started going out on missions. My mum was taking care of little Odette before yesterday when Jake started doing it but he still lets mum change Odette's nappy, change her clothes and bathe her though. Speaking of mum she has rekindled her relationship with Greg at first I wasn't sure how to feel about it but then I notice how happy he actually makes Mum so I guess as long as he doesn't hurt her then I can live with it, I I'm guessing Greg told mum everything and she was quiet with him for a few days but now they seem to have sorted it out. Dad seems to be ok with Mum dating but if I am honest I believe his mind is on Annalise not to say I blame him.

Aspen on the other hand seems to be developing feelings that Leon guy so that's interesting and fair to say that if he hurts her in any way he's gonna lose his other leg. Jerome and Jada are down here as well as Stephanie and Enoz who is close to getting punched by me, he thinks I can't hear him when he is making talking shit about Lizzie to Stephanie but then when she is sleeping I can hear him talking to one of his mate who survived the attack about how much he wants Lizzie back and he will get her back, one way or another he is really is a dick. Funny enough he doesn't say anything when Jake is around probably because he knows that Jake would punch his face in without a second thought. I am sitting on my bunk when suddenly a shadow comes over me and when I look up it's none other than Vanessa.

Carson - whatever it is the answer is no.

Vanessa - you haven't even heard the question yet.

I roll my eyes, what could she possibly want to ask me other than trying to get back together but she hasn't done anything since meeting Lizzie's family.

Carson - fine, what is it?

Vanessa - this might sound a little bit weird but is Lizzie's brother single?

Carson - which one?

Vanessa - the one who was carrying me before...Jake, I believe his name is.

She looks over to Jake who is feeding Odette and looks like she is a lovesick puppy.

Carson - why are you asking that?

Her face goes bright red, I already know the answer to my question but the look on her face is so priceless.

Vanessa - I...well...I like him.

Carson - as far as I know he is single but it shouldn't be me you talk to about it.

Vanessa - what do you mean by that?

Carson - well if you want my opinion before sharing your feelings you should, take some time to consider the potential consequences and whether it's worth it to pursue a relationship with Lizzie's brother. If you do decide to tell her, it's best to do so privately and respectfully. Be honest about your feelings, but also acknowledge that this may be a difficult situation for her to navigate, especially given the history between me and you. Try to be empathetic and understanding of her perspective, and let her know that you're willing to give her space and time to process the information. It's also important to be prepared for the possibility that she may not feel the same way or may not want to pursue a relationship with you given the circumstances. Be respectful of her decision and avoid pressuring her or causing any unnecessary drama. Overall, communication is key in any relationship or potential relationship. Just be honest, respectful, and understanding, and try to approach the situation with empathy and kindness.

Vanessa - wow I didn't know you were so intelligent about relationships.

Carson - it's about considering other people's feelings Vanessa, let's say you start dating Jake and because she doesn't like you it affects her and Jake's relationship, how would that be fair to anyone?

By this time she has sat down on the bed across from mine which is dads bed.

Vanessa - but I do like him and I wouldn't do anything to sabotage her family's relationship, yours, or any chance of a future relationship I would have with her and.

She was cut off by the sound of an explosion and an aftershock that shook the whole bunker, what in the hell can be going on up there?


Lizzie p.o.v

After weeks of fighting which went on day after day, I am not gonna lie losing mum did hit me hard but I put my grief into killing the bugs which did help if I am being honest. We have traveled all over Reach taking out a lot of bugs as well as the Carrier ships and we have destroyed all of the Teleport Anchors, we found out that the bugs have made tunnels and have made a nest underground, which is where we found the Queen Ant and the King Spider who we took out a few days apart. We are now on the way back to Sword Base after taking down the final group of Aggressive Alien Species Gamma aka Rollers. Dean's voice comes on the intercom.

Dean - you guys might want to see this.

We are in the Falcon now that the Hornets have been destroyed we can now finally fly about freely, we look to the sides only to see New Alexandria in ruins and a huge sphere-shaped ship hovering above the city.

We are in the Falcon now that the Hornets have been destroyed we can now finally fly about freely, we look to the sides only to see New Alexandria in ruins and a huge sphere-shaped ship hovering above the city

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Casey - I am so glad we evacuated the city before that thing turned up with

Adriano - you can say that again, that must be the Mothership.

Being the jokester that years Casey says it again this time more dramatic.

Casey - I am so glad we evacuated the city before that thing turned up.

Adriano rolls his eyes at Casey causing the rest of us to chuckle, the team is one man down since Jake left to take care of Odette but we are still strong together, thinking about Odette makes me miss her not only her but Carson too I wish I could be in his arms right now...suddenly I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a huge explosion going off gets our attention, checking the situation we see that the Mothership is falling to the ground we wonder what caused it and we see what caused it...

suddenly I am brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a huge explosion going off gets our attention, checking the situation we see that the Mothership is falling to the ground we wonder what caused it and we see what caused it

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Shane - the Infinity!!

Lizzie - it's about time too.

the Infinity has been on the other side of the galaxy fighting the Covenant it's about time it got here, we have lost some many soldiers both Spartan and normal Infantry so thank goodness the Infinity arrived when it did cause we were running low on resources also so this will help us hopefully end this now we have taken out the Mothership.

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