Chapter 32

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Lizzie p.o.v

Our team has just landed on the ground after jumping from the transport, we found out that the last nest is located underground in the mountains and we have landed a few miles away so we don't alert bugs to our presents just yet. There are a few ants above ground so we quickly take them out and head for the tunnel entrance, walking in there isn't much light but lucky for us we can put our night vision on so we can see a bit better even though we have no idea what to expect but our adjective is to locate the last queen and exterminate her. We search each tunnel and take out the black Ants that are in each chamber, before long we encountered two groups of red Ants which we also took down. Usually, Dean stays with the transport but occasionally he does come along with us on missions like this, using stealth I sneak up on an Ant and using my energy sword, it screams as it dies and it may sound weird but it sounds great to hear the Ants scream. While we are checking a collection of tunnels we come across some dead Elite bodies.

Casey - I guess the Covenant really didn't stand a chance against the bugs.

Dean - Check this out.

Looking over to where Dean is pointing we see more of the Covenant mostly Grunts and Jackals.

Annalise - dam looks like they went down fighting.

Adriano  - and that's why we have to take down this nest, come on squad no time to waste.

Soon after we get a communication telling us that the team that Master Chief went with is under attack and needs backup, following the sounds of both the gunshots and of the bug screams we are quick to find the team and quickly kill off the great of the bugs. It's quiet until I am suddenly pulled back down into a hole and I am dragged for a few meters until I feel myself getting pinned down, I feel my jet pack getting ripped off my suit good thing it's not attached directly to my suit because that would hurt. I take the opportunity to swing myself around to see a big Red ant staring right at me with my jet pack in between its pincers...that fucker just destroyed my jetpack hell to the no no, I jump back up to my feet and land punches right into the ugly bastards face before taking out my energy sword and stabbing it right between the eyes.


what can I say I love my jetpack now I will have to get another one ugh what a pain that will be, While holding on to the Ant I drive my energy sword right into its brain killing it as it falls to the ground, I step away thinking knowing it's dead but then...I heard a sound coming from behind me so I looked and saw that it was a whole group of red ants, I tried to look for my guns but I couldn't as I dropped them when I got pulled down the hole...shit this isn't good I only have my energy sword so I get into a defensive position ready to fight most likely to the death. Just as I am attacked by the ants they are suddenly pushed back by gunfire, looking back I see my squad running towards me firing their guns at the bugs. Annalise throws me my shotgun to which I catch and open fire on the bugs. When all the group is dead Adriano is the first to come over to check on me followed by the rest of the team.

Adriano  - are you ok?

Lizzie - yeah am good but my jet pack has been destroyed

Shane checks my back.

Shane - doesn't look like your armor was damaged so you'll be fine.

We get a communication through saying that they found the Queen's nest everybody must can converge on the area immediately.

Dean - time to end this and kill the bitch.

Master Chief - everyone check your ammo before we head out.

In union, we say "Yes Chief" and then we check our ammo to see if we've got enough, after getting a quick restock of our ammunition we head deeper into the tunnels until we come to the queen's chamber. Everyone is waiting in position crouched down, peeking into the chamber we can see that the last queen is laying eggs so we need to move fast, around her is a group of black and red ants. The plan is that we were to split into two teams one takes on the ant while the other takes on the Queen, with Master chief leading the charge we start the attack. Our team goes straight for the queen who fires her acid at us but we are too quick and roll out of the way of the acid and begin shooting at her. As we are shooting at her I get an idea in my head I look at Annalise.

Lizzie - Annalise cover me!

She nods, I run around the Queen and jump onto one of her back legs and climb up her, my brothers yell at me wondering what the heck I'm doing.

Casey - Lizzie your nuts!!

Lizzie - I know, now shut up!!

As the others keep the Queen's attention on them I climb up her back, I have to steady myself a few times as I climb up due to her body shape and she is trying to shake me off. As soon as I reach her head I drive my energy sword right into her head of course she screams the moves around more violently trying to shake me off her head but I hold onto the energy sword with a tight grip but my hand suddenly slips and I am nearly thrown off when another hand grabs mine and I look to see it's Master Chief, my first thought was "how in the hell did he get up here for fast?" I don't have time to think about anything else he pulls me back up.

Master Chief - steady Spartan.

With another energy sword, Master Chief stabs the queen ant and I take hold of mine and we slide down its face cutting it into two. I am a little bit out of breath when my feet touch the ground which is weird for me but I ignore it as the Queen drops the ground dead, looking around the area the other team has just finished off the other ants so it's just the eggs that are left, together we light up the room with flame grenades burning the little fuckers, on the way out we rig the tunnels with a powerful C4 just enough to make the tunnels collapse to fill the whole place in. We set a timer, unfortunately...


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