Chapter 12

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Lizzie p.o.v

I turn to see someone I didn't expect to see so soon...Carson and he's coming over to us but he's not alone. Behind Carson is an older man holding hands with a woman who I am gonna guess is his wife and there is also a younger girl with them. I have to roll my eyes at Annalise as she whispers into my ear that she thinks the older guy is hot, she has always had a thing for older men which is understandable since her fiance was older than her, she was 21 and he was 30 I gently elbow her and whisper for her to behave herself just as Carson is in front of us.

Carson - Lizzie...hi.

Lizzie - hey Carson.

There is silence as we look at each other like we don't know what to say to each other until the sound of a throat being cleared gets both of our attention.

Atlas - son aren't you gonna introduce us to your lady friends?

So that's his family, I remember he did tell me about them.

Carson - oh right, dad, mum Aspen this is Lizzie and...

He looks from me to Annalise.

Lizzie - this is Annalise.

Annalise - hello.

His dad looks at Annalise and then at me.

Atlas - so you are the Lizzie we have heard so much about, it's nice to meet you. I am Atlas, Carson's father.

Then the woman beside him speaks up than the younger girl...wait he talks about me?

Rosette - I am Rosette, Carson's mother.

Aspen - and I am Aspen his little perfect little sister.

Carson - Annoying sister you mean.

Aspen - hey!

She playful shoves him and he gently pushes her back which kinda reminds me of when me and my brothers were kids. Carson clears his throat as he looks back at me and rubs the back of his neck all anxious about whatever he is about to ask me.

Carson - listen Lizzie I was wondering...if maybe you would like to...go for a drink with me?

Did he just ask me out? I can hear Annalise giggle like a schoolgirl beside me as I feel butterflies in my stomach, God Lizzie get a grip of yourself you are a Trained Spartan.

Lizzie - sure here let me give you my number so we can arrange a time and place.

We put our wristbands together to transfer each other's numbers.

(A/N I don't know if they have mobile phones in the halo word so I had to improvise)

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(A/N I don't know if they have mobile phones in the halo word so I had to improvise)

It may look like a rubber band but it's really a mobile phone it projects your phone onto your forearm so it is easier to use, I did have a different one before I went on that trip but I had to change my number since Enzo wouldn't stop texting and calling me in the middle of the night. Each band has its own number and features etc mine has my workout schedule, my family, and close friends who are also my squad members' contacts, and my emails. For it to project onto your forearm all it takes for the user is to flick their wrists slightly. Carson says he will text me later since he wanted to see me again which made me have butterflies in my stomach again, his family seems nice as they say goodbye to us, and as they were leaving his sister comes back and whispers this is me.

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