Chapter 41

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Lizzie p.o.v

5 years later.

Can't believe it's been 5 years since everything happened but where to start?

I guess we should start with Enzo and Stephanie, unfortunately, Stephanie lost the baby and had a big argument about it then broke up, Stephanie has since met another guy while Enzo has been obsessed with getting me back.

Moving on to Jerome and Jada I actually know what happened to them since they have moved from Reach back to Earth for some weird reason but the last we heard they were happy with their child.

Now for Carson's family starting with Aspen and Leon, they have been dating for the past 5 years and have even opened up a store together which is doing well, they even have a little apartment above the store, Leon has gotten a hold of using his prosthetic leg now and walks around with no problem. Greg and Rosette are still together and have even moved in with each other at first it felt weird for Carson and Aspen when the family met up but now everything is going well between them, Greg and Carson have made peace for his mum's sake. Finishing up with Atlas and Annalise well let's say when Annalise came back from the mission they didn't leave the bedroom for days and since have moved in with each other they even got engaged last year after Annalise came back from another mission. But what surprised me the most was Jake and  Vanessa's relationship I still can't believe it, Vanessa was telling the truth before as he has proved time and time again that she hasn't got any feelings for Carson and has even married Jake which happened last year, they have been raising Odette who has become a very cheeky little 5-year-old and I am happy to announce that they are now expecting a baby of their own.

Onto what's been happening with my squad, Casey has been ranked up to second in command under Adriano and has started a relationship with Larissa which I saw coming a mile away, They are taking it slow so it doesn't affect them when they are on missions. Speaking of Larissa she and Zelda have become such great winged Spartans both of them have quickly moved up in the ranks. Shane is still the head medic of the team and is thinking about heading his clinic in the city, I believe that he is seeing Zelda but neither of them has confirmed or denied it. Dean, is still our squads pilot unfortunately during one mission the squad got attacked and his left eye got injured, it has since healed but has left a scar across his eye, funny enough that mission in the same mission as when he met his girlfriend after saving her life they started to see each other she is so sweet, kind and works with orphaned children. Finally, onto Adriano and Angela I am glad to say that after weeks of discussing it, they got back together, unfortunately, we found out that they can't have any children since when she was cloned they made it so she was infertile which was upsetting for them and the rest of us but they are hoping that one they will have a child. I am also glad to hear that Tristan had survived and had got the restaurant back up and running again which is actually where myself and Carson had our reception after the wedding.

Now for myself and Carson, we wanted to have the wedding before the baby came which was hard concerning that my brothers would be away for 2 years and I did want them there so it didn't go that way. So we had to wait for my brothers to come back to have the wedding and of course, the baby couldn't wait that long and came into the world on a very stormy night,  on that night we welcome our beautiful baby boy and we decided on calling him Everest John (after Master Chief since he saved my life) Rogers. Everest or EJ as he likes to be called is now 5 years old and we have found that he has inherited my Spartan abilities which actually shocked me I wasn't expecting, just as a precaution we have set a secret word just in case the ONI take him for training to become a spartan and swap him for a clone like they used to do. Even though I am not opposed to him becoming a spartan I just want him to have a happy childhood and life.

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