Chapter 11

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Lizzie p.o.v

1 week later

It's been a walk since everything happened, Stephanie has moved out of my apartment and Into Enzo's which I knew she was gonna do in the first place. As for the favor I called in from the boss you may be thinking that I asked him if they could get Carson and Jerome out of prison but it wasn't like at all, I asked if there was anything I could do to help them with since they helped me. So he made a few calls before getting back to me and telling me that I could do a few things for them but it wasn't possible to release them both straight away, so for Carson and Jerome with a quarter of my money I paid off some of their bails and put in a request for an appeal for the both. It didn't take long in fact it was on the same day I requested the appeal which came quickly which I was surprised about since it usually takes months, I explain to the Appeals Barristers why I was there and what they both guys had done for me, at the start they were a bit spectacle and hesitant about it but I am not sure if it was more for Jerome since he was charged with robbery and Arson or for Carson since he killed men who were sex trafficking girls and women.

They did eventually agree but only if both of them go on probation and Jerome has to stay in for another month, today Carson is getting out but I can't be there to see him since I am going on a mission with my squad. Today's mission is an assassination of an Elite captain who has been evading us for the past few weeks and we have received word that he is nearby so we aren't gonna let him get away this time. We already made up both plan A and in case that doesn't we have plan B waiting, I've been waiting in my position with my sniper rifle aiming towards the bunker where the Elite is meant to be as the rest of the team are tasked to draw out and take down the rest of the Covenant scum. Adriano's voice comes through the communicator.

Adriano - Lizzie report, are you in position?

Lizzie - yeah I am in position, so far I can see two groups one of Grunts and a group of Jackals I can't see what's inside so be careful.

Then Casey's voice could be heard.

Casey - we will don't worry sis.

I watch as they start firing from behind boulders getting the Covenant's attention, while that happens I watch the battle from my spot waiting for my target to show his ugly face. I keep an eye out for my team so they don't get backstabbed we have already lost two Spartans because of that suddenly I notice something that no one told us about... there isn't just an Elite captain here. I quickly get onto my radio to tell the others

Lizzie - guys!! Watch out there are 5 Brutes and 2 Hunters coming out of the bunker



I call it just in time as Jake nearly gets his head blown off but he ducks down, thank God for that I didn't want to bury my oldest brother any time soon, a Phantom flies over to drop off reinforcements but they didn't get a chance as Dean in his Pelican comes to out and begins to fire at the Phantom getting its attention, just then I spot the Elite coming out of the bunker so I load my rifle up and take aim, command gave us armor piercing rounds bullets They'll take the hat off an Elite at two thousand yards and they ain't cheap so I will need to make this shot counts but I never miss. Looking into my scope I have a shot of the elite's head he's one ugly fucker and he's wearing gold armor...wait I suddenly spot something shiny around his neck so I zoom in and that's when I see them, two sets of dog tags, That son of a bitch!! I aim for his head and when I am about it shot he turns and looks in my direction I don't even give him a chance to move and fire, the bullet goes right through his skull. At the same Dean blows up the Phantom and the rest of the team have killed the rest of the Covenant when the coast is clear I head down to meet the others unfortunately when I get down there I get some bad news.

Lizzie - Jake!!!

I rush over to my big brother who is leaning against a boulder missing one arm, Shane is already working on him Casey calls for immediate evac and urgent medical care, while we are waiting for Dean to land I tell Annalise about the Elite who has the dog tags then we quickly go over to retrieve them it wouldn't be right leaving them here not to mention that the dog tags don't belong to that Elite or any of our enemies. After retrieving the dog tags we all get on to the Pelican and head back to base to get Jake the medical care he needs.

We soon arrive at the base and go straight to the medical facility, While the doctors take Jake into surgery while the rest of us wait outside, Adriano soon had to leave since he had to give the commander our report and I give Annalise the two dog tags since one belongs to her brother while the other was her fiancé they were only two days away from being married, she was so heartbroken that day even though she tried to hide it we all could see she was taking it hard so we all helped her through it as a squad and as a family. The doctor came out a couple of hours later to inform us that they have to give Jake a metal arm and he will have to learn how to use it before he could return to duty, we were relieved that it wasn't going to be any more serious. A few days later Jake got discharged from the hospital but he was annoyed that he couldn't return to action just yet and for some reason, the whole team is out of action until he is better so there will be no more missions for a while which is gonna suck for all of us.

My brothers are at their apartment doing who knows what probably keeping an eye on Jake we have been a lot stronger than a normal person but we heal at the same rate, Adriano is working on opening his own restaurant other than being a Spartan Adriano loves cooking I've tried his cooking and he does make some delicious food so I can tell he will be very successful in the catering business, today me and Annalise are out shopping and the reason for that is Annalise is moving into my apartment since her last roommate was a creepy ass who was spying on her while she was either changing or showering when she was there anyway. We have finished moving her stuff into Stephanie's old room which we had to clean up first as well as the whole house since Stephanie and Enzo had sex in every corner of the room not to mention I lost my favorite couch since they took it. We have just come out of the store and got some food when I hear a familiar voice calling my name which causes me to look around before looking back to Annalise who looks confused.

Annalise - what's wrong?

Lizzie - I thought I heard someone calling me...

She looks behind me and then points as she says.

Annalise - you did, look...

I turn to are someone I didn't expect to see so soon...Carson and he's coming over to us but he's not alone.

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