Chapter 22

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Lizzie p.o.v

We are shocked to what see what is attacking us out of the walls came huge fucking ants, black and Crimson, we found that the red one are much more tougher and more resistant to damage than their black counterparts, and attack by charging and biting enemies instead of spraying them with acid as the black ones do. Unfortunately, we couldn't hold the base so we had no choice but to withdraw from there. Outside the base, I notice that the golden ships have started to open and are not dropping more Ants, we soon get the order that we have to help evacuate the city and extinguish the Ants. Even though my mind was in "Spartan mood" I couldn't help but worry about not only my mum was has gone into labor but also for Carson and his family I hope they are ok and will get out of the city ok.

We manage to get away from the base and I can't help but notice that Casey is acting odd like he knows what is going on, I am not one for messing around so I just go up to him and ask him straight out.

Lizzie - ok Casey spill.

The others look at me and Casey in confusion as to what's going on.

Casey - what do you mean?

Lizzie - I noticed that you are acting weird like you know what is going on so spill.

Casey doesn't say anything and looks nervous which makes us more suspicious so Jake steps in.

Jake - Casey if you know something tell us.

Casey - well... I was doing some research and I came across a secret report about an attack on earth.

Adriano - do I wanna know how you got that without the correct access?

Casey - long story but anyway from what I read it started back on Earth in 2017 when creatures called Ravagers started an invasion, earth won but in 2025 they came back it was a hard fight but somehow earth managed to win again against them.

Shane - what's that got to do with now?

Before Casey could answer I cut in with my own question

Lizzie - wait are you saying that this attack is the same creatures?

Casey - by the looks of what I saw in the report...yes does it looks like it.

Adriano sighs and not in a good way.

Adriano - Casey you do realize that I will have to report this but I just this once I will leave your name out of it, I will tell them that I did it.

He winks at us, I was a little surprised when he said that last part it just sounds how close we all are that we can keep each other's secrets. Adriano walks away from us to report this to command as the rest of us look back to Casey.

Dean - do you know anything else? Like what those creatures are called?

Casey - from what I remember...

He goes on to tell us what some of these Ravagers are called like the golden ships are actually called Carriers or Teleportation Ships which can be destroyed by firing into the open hatch and the pillars are Teleport Anchors with their weak point at the very top, which is good to know.

He goes on to tell us what some of these Ravagers are called like the golden ships are actually called Carriers or Teleportation Ships which can be destroyed by firing into the open hatch and the pillars are Teleport Anchors with their weak point ...

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