Chapter 19

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Lizzie p.o.v

Oh, my fucking I am with my legs wrapped around Carson's waist wanting him and there in the middle of my fucking couch is Annalise with her legs spread...and Carson's father Atlas is pounding into her while they are making out. I should feel awkward but this isn't the first time I've walked in on her having sex...don't ask long story, I clear my throat getting their attention fair to say that they are both surprised to see us standing there and I turned the lights on so we could see better even though I have good eyesight anyway.

Carson - dad what the fuck is going on?

Atlas - I think it's kinda obvious son.

They don't even move and I can see that it's kinda getting weird for Carson to see his father butt naked so I unwrap my legs and use my rank to get Annalise up, for the record I hate doing this.

Lizzie - winged Spartan V256, cover yourself up right this minute

Annalise looks to Atlas and tells him that she is sorry but I've got the high command so they have to get up, Carson looks at me in wonder probably wondering how the hell I managed to do that.

Carson - how did you do that?

Lizzie - higher rank, one of the many perks to being the first elite winged Spartan.

Me and Carson look at each other while Annalise and Atlas grab their clothes from the floor and after a few seconds they are clothed, Annalise has her hands on her hips.

Annalise - Lizzie you promised not to use your rank on me when we are off duty.

Lizzie - sorry but I think we all need to sit down and have a talk, obviously some questions that need to be answered.

Since I don't think me or Carson want to sit on the couch right now so Carson sits on one of the leather chairs and then pulls me onto his lap which causes me to squeal a little since I wasn't expecting it, Annalise and Atlas sit back down onto the couch but not before Annalise moves a blanket I didn't notice it before well at least I don't need to buy a new coach this time. Atlas pulls Annalise onto his lap there is uncomfortable silence for a few seconds then Atlas is the first one to speak.

Atlas - I was planning on telling you about us, Carson but I know that you have had a lot on.

Carson - so how long has this been going on?

Atlas - well you remember the day we met Lizzie and Annalise outside the store?

Carson - yeah?

Atlas - well a few days after that when Lizzie was away I bumped into Annalise at the pack and we got talking to find out that we have a lot in common so we started dating and we have been seeing each other since.

Carson nods, then it's me that speaks to Annalise.

Lizzie - and you couldn't tell me this because?

Annalise - I knew how much you like Carson so I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable about it.

She thought it would make me feel uncomfortable.

Lizzie - I won't lie it would feel weird at the start but I wouldn't stand in the way as long as that is what you wanted. You are not only my teammate, but you are also my friend and I care about you so with that being said let me ask you both a couple of things.

Both of them look at each other and then back at me.

Annalise - which is?

Lizzie - the first is whether are you both prepared for the future since you might face some backlash cuz of the age gap.

Carson - I would also like to know that.

Annalise answers first and gives the answer I expected her to give.

Annalise - I am prepared for it, it wouldn't be the first time I had backlash for dating an older guy.

That's actually true she did get a lot of backlash when she was engaged to her ex, next is Atlas to answer who doesn't seem surprised to hear that Annalise likes older guys so I am guessing that she told him already.

Atlas - I for one don't care what people will think I just want to be happy with Annalise.

How noble of him and that was actually going to be my next question but before I could ask anything Carson asks his question.

Carson - dad, I know that you want to live your life the way you want but does mum know that you are dating someone already?

Atlas - yes, Carson she knows that I am dating someone and she is fine with it since she is trying to find that guy she had the affair with since she is in love with him.

Wait what? Oh shit, I can feel Carson tense up beneath me which I am not surprised with considering who they are talking about.

Carson - she's doing what?!

Atlas - why are you mad about it?

Carson - dad there is something you should know...

I stop him thinking this isn't the time to tell his dad about Greg I give him a pledging look.

Lizzie - Carson...don't.

Atlas looks at us wondering what is going on as I talk to Carson.

Carson - I have to say something.

Lizzie - I know but now isn't the time, one thing at a time.

Unfortunately, Atlas wants to know and asks us what we are talking about.

Atlas - what are you two talking about?

Before either one of us could say anything, Annalise distracts him by kissing him, and of course, Carson groans in annoyance which causes me to giggle and then kiss him to distract him. Atlas carries Annalise through to her bedroom as me and Carson make out on the chair. After making out for a while we went to my room but we are not going to have sex since either one of us are in the mood anymore I guess walking in on your roommate and date's dad having sex would do that to you. I got undressed and put on my vest top and shorts then gave Carson something to sleep in before we got into bed together, he gave me a goodnight kiss and then I cuddled into him as well fell asleep in each other's arms.

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