Chapter 37

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Lizzie p.o.v

The next morning.

I wake up with the shine of the sin in my eyes, I see that I am in the arms of my fiancé, and all that happened last night come back into my head. I bite my lip thinking about how he had me bend over the railings and was fucking me but I think I might need a new pair of underwear since Carson ripped mine off in a fit of passion, after he woke up we were cuddling when suddenly I get a message from Annalise telling me that our squad has been called to the infirmary even though we wanted to spend time with each other we both knew I couldn't abandon my duties as a Spartan. We got back to the base quickly and I headed for the infirmary while he goes to see his family and tell them the news. Upon arriving at the infirmary I see that Adriano is up and getting checked out, I sit on the bed beside him and the doctor begins to give me my checkup.

Lizzie - hey Adriano how are you feeling?

Adriano - good actually and I hear that Carson donated his blood and saved my life.

Lizzie - yeah he did, by the way, what are we getting this medical for?

Before he could answer Colonel Holland comes to the infirmary.

Colonel Holland - good morning Spartans.

Adriano - Colonel Holland.

Even though we are all in bed we salute Colonel Holland to show our respect.

Colonel Holland - at ease Spartans, now on to business I know all of you have just been fighting the bugs and that was well fought. So I will get straight to the point your squad has been sent on a two-year mission.

Say what now? I am not the only one who seems down with about it either Casey asks what kind of mission we are getting sent on, how is this gonna affect mine and Carson's engagement? I've not been away for that pong before. I notice that the doctor has a weird look on her face when she is checking my blood, is there something wrong with me? My doctor then goes over to the Colonel and whispers something in his ear, Holland looks annoyed as he looks at me, and at the corner of my eye, I can see the other wondering what's going on.

Shane - is there something wrong, sir?

Colonel Holland - I have just been informed that our elite winged Spartan is 3 weeks pregnant.

I gulp as all eyes look at me I haven't even had a chance to tell anyone that I am engaged yet, but did the doctor say that I am pregnant? Is that why I've been feeling weird and off my game lately but I began to panic, fearing that ONI would force me to abort the baby against my will? Since they have done that a couple of times before. Colonel Holland goes out probably to talk to his superiors about the situation. My team gets off their beds and comes over to mine to comfort me.

Casey - Lizzie easy.

Shane - it will be ok.

Dean - we won't let them hurt you or the baby, right Adriano?

Adriano - Of course we won't, we are a team and we will stick together.

Annalise takes my shaking hand in hers...wait I'm trembling? I've never trembled before not even when I faced down our strongest foes.

Annalise - Lizzie where did you get that? It's beautiful.

Lizzie - hmm?

I look down as Annalise lofts my hand showing off my engagement ring.

Lizzie - oh I was gonna tell everyone later but now seems like a good time to, Carson asked me to marry him.

Annalise couldn't contain her excitement as she squealed out which cause the guys to cover their eyes at her high pitch.

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