Chapter 31

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Lizzie p.o.v

Vanessa - first off I want like to say that what I am about to say is not a joke or some kind of trick but it's the whole truth, I know you might now believe me but I no longer want to be seen as a threat to you but I would like for us to be maybe friends because...well, I have developed feelings for your brother Jake.

I am taken back by this information but I did notice how she was looking at Jake, I don't know how to take this information on the one hand I do want to see my brother happy with someone he deserves to be happy but at the same time how do I know that she isn't just making this up to get close to Carson? Then again from what I have seen and heard, she hasn't been paying any attention to Carson only to Jake, as he did tell me that he was spending time with someone but didn't say who it was though. Vanessa has been looking at me all nervously since she stopped talking as if to give me time to process what she had just said but why is she talking to me about this shouldn't she be telling Jake?

Lizzie - why are you telling me this?

Vanessa - well it's like I said to Carson before that I wanted to talk it over with you first to see how you would feel about it. Given the history between me and Carson, I didn't want you to get the wrong idea about it.

That thought did cross my mind but I do have some questions to ask her though.

Lizzie - if I was to ask you a couple of questions will you answer the truthfully?

Vanessa - of course.

Lizzie - the thought of you using my brother to get close to Carson and try to get him back crossed my mind, how do I know that is not the case now?

Vanessa nods like she was expecting me to ask that question.

Vanessa - I was expecting that, and to answer your question no I am not going to use your brother I won't lie when I say at the start I did want to try and rekindle a relationship with Carson but I came to realize that I no longer fell in love with him. I have been spending time with Jake and I like him but I don't want to pursue a relationship with him if it's going to hurt your relationship with him.

Lizzie - Vanessa if you are sincere about pursuing a relationship with my brother it's none of my business as long as you don't hurt him in anyway but what if I find out that you are only using him or hurt him then it will be my business.

She looks a little bit surprised.

Vanessa - I would never do anything to hurt him and I promise that I am being sincere about everything and I know it is a long shot but I am hoping that one day maybe we can be friends.

She wants to be friends with me? But she does have one thing right it is a long shot for that to happen.

Lizzie - I wouldn't go that far just yet.

Vanessa - that's fair, well I guess I better talk to Jake now.

We look back over to the others only to see Carson and Jake watching us, wow thanks to the vote of confidence guys give me some credit, We head over to them and Vanessa asks Jake if they can talk to which he agrees and then hands me Odette to watch. As Jake walks off with Vanessa as I sit next to Carson, as Odette sleeps in my arms I can't help but notice the way Carson is staring at me.

Lizzie - what?

Carson smiles at me before giving me a cute but shocking answer.

Carson - I was just thinking about how much of a good mum you would make.

I have never thought of myself as being more than a Spartan, I didn't believe that I would be very good at it or maybe it's because I am on missions most of the time so I wouldn't be able to be there for my child if I had one and I couldn't see myself having a child with Enzo, I look down at little Odette in my arms and think that Carson might be right.

Lizzie - maybe one day...

Then I look up at him with a worried face.

Lizzie - have you thought about having kids with me?

Carson's smile becomes brighter then becomes nervous as he rubs the back of his neck answering me.

Carson - to be honest, yeah I have thought about it but I didn't want to say anything in case it freaked you out.

Lizzie - I know the feeling, maybe one day...

Before I could finish my sentence a voice comes on the speakers telling all Spartans to report in.

Lizzie - dam it.

Carson sighs.

Carson - duty calls, go give those bugs hell

We share a kiss just as Jake comes back and I gently hand him, Odette, we are definitely coming back to this conversation later but for now, so after grabbing Annalise whose lips were puffy from making out with Atlas for the past 20 minutes, we head of the briefing room. Once we get to the briefing room we see that the rest of the team is there and so is.....

1 hour later

After getting briefed on the mission we are en route to the location of where the last nest is located, at least 5 other Spartan teams have come along with us and this time we will finish the bugs once and for all so we aren't going into this fight alone. Even though Adriano is our squad leader everyone is confident since we have a legendary Spartan with us that's right it's none other than Master Chief, he is one of the best Spartans ever trained not to mention he is the last living member of the Gen2 or Mark2 squad. It is a real honor to fight alongside a legend like him, his words reply over and over in my mind "Our duty as soldiers is to protect humanity... whatever the cost" so whatever the cost we won't let the bugs take Reach.

 whatever the cost" so whatever the cost we won't let the bugs take Reach

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