Chapter 40

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Carson p.o.v

Everyone was packing up to move back into New Alexandria, dad is telling me that he will be paying for my new place for me and Lizzie as just one of his wedding gifts to us, I tried to talk him out of it but it didn't work and he intended on doing it anyway. I've just finished putting my clothes in my bag when suddenly my eyes get covered up and I hear the love of my lives voice.

Lizzie - if you were an enemy I could Kill you by now.

Carson - well it's a good thing I'm not an enemy then.

Chuckling I gently take her hands off my eyes and turn around to see her smiling at me, the first thing I notice is that she is wearing her uniform, she must be here to say goodbye since she is going away for a mission.

Carson - I take it you are leaving now?

I am surprised she she shook her head no at me.

Lizzie - actually no, I am not going anywhere.

Carson - what do you mean baby? Don't you have a mission?

Lizzie - I've retired.

My eyes widen in shock why would she retire Lizzie loves being a Spartan, I couldn't stop the flow of questions coming out of my mouth.

Carson - what why? Are you even aloud to do that? Was it because your are engaged to me? Can they do that?

Lizzie - baby calm down, let me explain...

Lizzie goes on to explain that she felt that it was time for her to retire and how it has been impacting our relationship, I do feel a bit bad about it but I did say that I would support her no matter what.

Lizzie - oh, I almost forgot to tell you...but I am worried about bout how you will take it.

She seems a bit nervous so I take her in my arms.

Carson - whatever it is baby we can handle it together.

Lizzie - when I was having my medical exam they found out something that I didn't even expect...

Before she could finish it is announced on the speakers that is time to go out to the city and she said that she would tell me later. I wondered if Lizzie got to say goodbye to the great of her team as we were boarding the transport back to New Alexandria before I could ask her I notice her squad waving goodbye to us from the launchpad and I can't help but notice that there are three new women.

Carson - new squad members?

Lizzie - yeah, they will become winged Spartans under Annalise's command and believe it or not one of the is actually Angela, Adriano's ex wife.

Wait what did she just say?! But didn't tell me that Angela was dead? Lizzie explains to me how she was cloned to be a fully modified Spartan but still has all of her memories and emotions, wow I can't believe it after everything she has told me about Angela it's hard to believe that they cloned her. Myself and Lizzie wave goodbye to her team as the doors close and then we take our seats next to Jake, Vanessa and my family, ready to start our lives together.


Lizzie p.o.v

It took us about 3 weeks to get settled into a new place, at first I would have thought that we would have our own places but when Carson told me that we were going to live together I was nervous at first but as the days went by I realized what a good idea it was. I still could be believe how fast they are building everything, yeah some buildings will take longer due to their size but it will be worth it in the end. I'm now 6 weeks along and I still haven't managed to tell Carson yet but I will have to soon as I will start to show in a mere matter of weeks, I am standing outside on the balcony and I can see that the workers at still working.

Lizzie - looks like the night shift is in full swing but I wonder how the team is doing on the mission?

The rest of the team left for the 2 year mission a couple of days after I retired, don't get me wrong I am enjoying the peace and relaxation but I do miss being a Spartan...maybe one day I can return but for now I will concentrate on being pregnant and raising this little one. I hear the door open up, followed by the sound of feet coming toward me and then arms go around my waist followed by soft lips on my neck in which starts to tickle me doesn't help that he hasn't shaved his beard yet.

Lizzie - Carson...stop...that tickles.

Carson - I can't help it.

I feel his hands running down my hips then down onto my thighs and I feel his hand headed inwards, doesn't help that I am wearing his shirt and a pair of pants. I let out a gasp as his finger rubs against the fabric where my clit is located.

Lizzie - Carson...

As much as I want him to take me I should tell him but I can't seem to concentrate as Carson's fingers enter my panties.

Carson - wet for me already? Wanna go back to bed or do it out here?

Oh God I guess I could tell him in the morning I can't take his fingers movements much longer, turning around I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, kissing his takes me on the balcony and then he takes me into the bedroom where we have sex over, over and over before finally falling asleep in each others arms. The next morning I was awaken by the amazing smell of...oh crap I rush to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet dam morning sickness, after a few minutes there is a knock.

Carson - baby are you ok?

Lizzie - does that sound ok to you?...(blarghhh)

I couldn't even finish my sentence as more sick comes out, I feel my hair being held back and my back being gently rubbed. I finish up then wash my mouth and face then I brush my teeth.

Carson - baby, you have been sick every day for a week and I am starting to get worried maybe it's time to call the doctor.

Lizzie - no, we don't need a doctor I know what's wrong.

Carson - you do? Why? What happened? Are you ok?

Carson starts to panic a bit asking me lots of questions as we walk through back to the bedroom, I sit down on the bed and he knees in front of me.

Carson - Lizzie what is going on? You are starting to worry me.

Lizzie - you remember that I was trying to tell you something but at the bunker...

He nods yes so I continue.

Lizzie - well I was trying to tell you that when I was getting examined for the mission the doctors actually found out that I am...pregnant

A look of shock goes on his face than gets replaced by a huge smile and I see joy on his face, I feel relieved as he picks me up and swings me around yelling...

Carson - were having a baby!!

I can't help but laugh as he puts me back down a and puts his hands onto my non-existent bump.

Carson - how far along are you baby?

Lizzie - 6 weeks now.

Carson - oh my gosh I am so happy right now I can't wait to start our family together.

Lizzie - either can I, I love you Carson.

Carson - I love you too Lizzie.

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