Chapter 34

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Carson p.o.v

I am sitting at the bar trying to calm myself down, let me explain why after we found out that there will be a celebration party tomorrow night Enzo came up to me and started his crap on me yet again. He was saying some stuff like "how much he will miss Lizzie" blah blah blah but what really annoyed me was when he said "If she was still mine then she would still be alive, it's your fault she is dead" after he said that I lost it. A fight broke out between us, I don't even know how long we were fighting for but it took my dad and a few others to pull us apart, little fucker busted my lip and got my stomach a good few times but I think I might have broke his ribs since he went say to the Infirmary holding his sides. I came straight to the bar to have a drink to calm myself down, I am sitting drinking my Jack Daniel's Tennessee Apple whiskey even though I usually get a beer but this time I needed something stronger and I do wonder how they got this here all the way from Earth. How dare he say that it is my fault, it wasn't my fault...right? Enzo's words are playing in my head on repeat I couldn't help but think that if I had asked her to retire then maybe she would still be alive, a hand on my shoulder pulls me from my thoughts I look to see my dad standing beside me before he takes the stool next to me and orders his drink.

Atlas (dad) - Budweiser.

The bartender got him his drink and set it in front of him, Dad opened the bottle and then took a sip.

Atlas (dad) - I never thought I would see my son drinking whiskey, you look so much like your grandpa.

I nearly forgot that my grandad was a whiskey drinker.

Carson - I needed something stronger than what I usually drink.

I take another gulp of my whiskey and my glass is empty so I ask the bartender to give me a refill, after I take another gulp I couldn't help but think that maybe if it is my fault... Like he could read my mind Dad speaks up.

Atlas (dad) - don't go there, son.

Carson - what if he is right...god that doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth.

I feel a bad taste in my mouth as I say that.

Atlas (dad) - Carson you and I both know how tough Lizzie is, so you really believe in your heart that she is dead?

I shake my head no I don't want to believe it my dad is right she is a strong person and a capable spartan, not to mention that something is telling me that she is alive but I don't even know if her squad is back yet. After a couple of minutes of complete silence, I look at my drink when suddenly my eyes get covered up, I believe it's Aspen since she used to do this when we were growing up.

Carson - Aspen don't you think we are a little bit too old for this now?

I hear a voice in my ear that makes me freeze up.

Lizzie - I missed your handsome face already.

I'm I dreaming right now? I put my hands onto the person's hands to feel that the skin is smooth to the touch then I feel a small scar on one finger and I need to know if I am dreaming or now so I pull the hands off my face then turn around to see her standing there...the love of my life...Lizzie.

Lizzie - hey babe.

I stand up from my stool I raise my hand and put it on Lizzie's cheek which makes her smile at me, she's ALIVE!! She really is alive. I couldn't help myself as I wrap my arms around her and pick her up letting her so her legs could go around my waist as we embrace each other.

Carson - fuck I thought I lost you when I saw your name on the board but something was telling me that you were alive, but what happened?

I felt a say of relief when I heard her explanation as to why.

Lizzie - the office put the wrong name up, they were meant to put up Lindsay, not Lizzie, I swear the fuckers can't read.

Carson - oh thank god that you are ok but I do feel sorry for the other girl. Did you know her?

Lizzie - I know of her but didn't get the pleasure of meeting her, but right now I want something.

I raise an eyebrow.

Carson - oh really like what?

She doesn't say anything but gives me a seductive smile and then crashes her lips onto mine, god I've missed the taste of her lips, so soft as we deepen the kiss we get interrupted by somebody clearing their throat.

Jake - if you are quite finished eating my sister's face I would like to see her.

Oops, I had completely forgotten that there were other people around us, so I put Lizzie down but not before she whispered to me that we will continue this later. As we are chatting with Jake from the corner of my eye I notice Enzo and he is looking right at Lizzie then he calls out to her.

Enzo - Lizzie baby you're ok!!

Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Did he not learn anything from that beat that I gave him earlier? Enzo comes rushing over to us I go to stop him but for some reason, Jake holds me back and gives me a "watch this look"

Enzo - Oh Lizzie my sweet baby I am so glad that you...

Before she could finish what he was saying Lizzie kicks him right in his nuts causing him to fall to the floor holding them.

Lizzie - I am not your baby Enzo, my heart and body belong to Carson and I won't tell you again to stay the fick away from me. This is your last warning Enzo fuck with me or Carson again and I will make you regret it.

God, I love this woman.

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