Chapter 38

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Carson p.o.v

Wow, last night was indescribable, not to mention that I am so happy Lizzie said she to marrying me I was so nervous when she went silent that my heart was going to stop beating but when she said yes and throw herself into my arms I was the happiest man on Reach. I am a little disappointed that we couldn't have spent a bit more time together and celebrate but I know how important her duties as a Spartan are, so I am going to tell my family the news since I am sure Lizzie will tell her squad. Walking into the bunker I am quick to spot my family having some breakfast and as I approach Aspen is the first to see me and of course...

Aspen - someone got their hole...

Atlas (dad) - Aspen!!

Aspen - sorry Daddy.

I sit down next to Aspen and Dad hands me some food.

Atlas (dad) - so?

Aspen looks confused since I only told Dad and Jake that I was gonna so Lizzie to marry me and I also asked Jake for his blessing since he is her oldest brother, he must have noticed the big smile on my face.

Carson - she said yes.

Dad has a big smile on his face when Aspen looks very confused as to what we are talking about.

Aspen - wait what's going on?

Carson - Aspen I asked Lizzie to marry me and she said yes.

Aspen squeals and excitement then jumps up and down clapping her hands.

Aspen - yes!!! I'm gonna have a sister.

I think she's more excited than I am as she hugs me, I don't even care as some people around us are watching us as even Dad comes around and congratulates me...well all except Mum that is since she is spending all her time with Greg lately and seems to have forgotten about us, as of on cue I spot mum and Greg heading in our direction and of course, they are holding hands, don't get me wrong I am happy that my mum is happy I wish she would remember about her kids mostly Aspen since it's affecting her more than it's effecting me, They are quick to reach us.

Rosette (mum) - why are you all so happy? did I miss some news?

Carson - yeah, I asked Lizzie to marry me and she said yes.

Rosette (mum) - oh my gosh congratulations, son.

Mum hugs me and Greg congratulates me, we chat for a little bit then soon after Jerome and Jada come over to see what all the commotion is about so I tell them my news and they congratulate me. After that Leon comes over in his chair since he hasn't got his prosthetic leg yet to talk to Aspen who is helping him with his rehabilitation and supporting him so they go off together. I then spot Jake, Vanessa, and little Odette I wonder if they know yet so I call out to Jake who quickly spots me and after taking a quick sip of my OJ I go over to them.

Jake - hey, Carson what's up?

Carson - I wanted to say thank you for giving me your blessing.

Jake - I take she said yes then?

I nod yes and high-fives me.

Jake - I want to be the first to say welcome to the family and if you hurt my sister...

Carson - I know trust me, but I would never do anything to hurt Lizzie besides I believe she would kick my ass if I did.

Jake laughs, and Vanessa congratulates me which actually surprised me I guess she is changing. Jake hands me Odette so I gently take her into my arms and I swear as I look down at her I could have sworn that she just smiled at me but maybe I was imagining it, I hear Jake chuckling at me.

Jake - you know Carson I think you would make a great dad one day.

That makes me think about the conversation myself and Lizzie started but never finished, holding Odette I sit down on the chair after a couple of seconds though she starts to fuss.

Jake - she getting hungry, do you want to feed her?

Jake hands me a bottle of milk and I start feeding her, as I feed the little baby in my arms I think about what kind of parents me and Lizzie would be especially with Lizzie being away on missions most of the time. Before I knew it Odette has finished all of her milk Jake goes to take her to burp her but I stop her so I try and do it myself, I used to burp Aspen when she was a baby of course I was only 5/6 at the time. After I put the bottle down and then, with Odette's chin resting on my shoulder, support her head and shoulder area with one hand, and gently rub and pat your Odette's back which causes her to let out a burp.

Jake - wow you are good at that, have you done this before?

Carson - yeah when my little sister was a baby when my parents went out on dates.

Even though we did have babysitters half of the time they were completely hopeless so I had to must if the babysitting instead of just been a kid but then again I never did tell my parents about it either. While chatting to Jake, Vanessa, and my family apart from Aspen who is still helping Leon an announcement comes on board telling us that we will return to our homes in the next coming days and construction has begun to rebuild New Alexandria, Hopefully, I get to see my fiancée again before we get separated and she goes on a mission after mission again and I will hardly see her

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