Chapter 39

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Lizzie p.o.v

Adriano looks like he was about to pass out from seeing Angela again not to say I blame him it was a shock to all of us. After eating we head to the locker room to get our gear on where we find out what the hell is going on and of course, Annalise doesn't hold back with Angela.

Annalise - so care to care how the hell you are alive when we watched you die?

Angela - it's hard to explain but it's like Captain Holland said they cloned me and used an accelerated growth cycle to grow me up quickly, I am the first-ever modified Spartan, and all of my memories are still intact but it took me a while to get all of them back.

Before anyone could say anything else Adriano finally speaks up and to fair to say he isn't too happy about this.

Adriano - why didn't you let me know you were alive all this fucking time!? I mourned you!!

Angela - I know Adriano and I'm sorry for not saying anything, I just couldn't remember anything for a long time.

She looks upset before Angela was killed by the Covenant the pair of them were so much in love that you couldn't separate them no matter what,  Adriano only had eyes for Angela and she was the same way about him. As Angela tries to explain more but Adriano doesn't want to hear it as he grabs his gun and goes to the training rooms. Angela goes to go after him but I get in her way

Lizzie - give him some time Angela, it's been a shock to all of us.

She is saddened but agrees to give him space since our team knows that when Adriano is in a bad mood like this it's bad to leave him alone for a while, Adriano is a good friend and great captain but his temper is on another level when he is mad. Myself and Annalise take Angela, Larissa and Zelda to get them fitted for their new jet packs and so I can get my new one. After I get measured my jet pack is attached to my armor then after all of us are all geared up we go to the training rooms so the girls can break in their jet packs. We go I to training room 2 since Adriano is in room 1 and the door is locked so for now Casey is in charge until Adriano is back, we set the simulation to a low training setting so Angela, Larissa, and Zelda can get used to using their jets without them hitting themselves. About half an hour later Adriano comes into the room but sticks the outsides of the simulation when he looks at me I can see that he has a "can we talk" look on his face so I turn to Annalise.

Lizzie - hey Annalise. can you take over for me for a few?

She knows instantly and agrees to take over the training so I go over and sit next to Adriano since he is now sitting on the beach.

Lizzie - how are you feeling about everything?

Adriano - I dunno how to feel Lizzie, I went through so much grief only to find out that the love of my life had been cloned and I had no idea.

He is frustrated as he rubs his hand on the back of his neck.

Lizzie - it does feel weird, especially after all this time.

Adriano - I haven't a clue what I am gonna do now  Lizzie, I feel so betrayed by both her and Captain Holland. I mourned Angela after her death

He looks at me.

Adriano - what would you do in my situation?

Before so could answer him I noticed that Casey is flirting with Larissa.

Lizzie - one second Adriano...Casey quit flirting with Larissa, she has better things to do than listen to your lame-ass pick-up lines!!

Adriano looks in Casey's direction and starts to laugh, I swear my brother has no filter when it comes to chatting up women, shaking my head I look back at Adriano.

Lizzie - to answer your question Adriano I am not sure what I would do but I guess it would be a start as to how I would feel about them and try to sort out my feeling. Let me ask you this how do you feel about Angela now?

I think I already know the answer to that, he still loves Angela he never stopped loving her, I believe it's more the shock that ONI cloned her after she was killed.

Adriano - of course, I still love her Lizzie as you know she was my first love, and I've missed her so much, No one can replace her no matter how hard other women tried. I have so many amazing memories of us together; I never want to forget them, I remember one time when me and her were in the kitchen together and had so much fun...

He trails off before continuing and he has noticed that Angela is actually standing a few feet after listening to him.

Adriano - anyway my only regret is that I couldn't protect her when the Covenant attacked us, I’ll never find anyone who will love me the way Angela did. Even if we don’t get back together, I feel privileged to have had her in my life. I've missed her so much...

Angela - I've missed you too Adriano more than you know.

Upon hearing Angela's voice Adriano turns his head around to ere her stand there, knowing they should talk I stand up and walk off back to Annalise and the others, I get back to training the girls when I am in the air when my name comes out of the speakers telling me to come to the office and I immediately know what it's pregnancy. After a quick chat with the team, I head to the office, I won't bore you will the details but there was a lot of talking leading to Adriano being brought into the office and a decision was made.


A/N I know that I wasn't gonna keep going with this story but after a break and having support from both my family and readers from here I have decided to give it another chance,

I will only be doing one or two more chapters for the story then I will be taking another little break before I start the next project which will many remain nameless for now. So keep an eye out for the next chapter and the new book.

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