CHAPTER 2: Aloha To The Alola

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We return with Ash arriving back into kanto. Him and charizard land at prof oaks lab as Ash and pikachu thank their old friend for a ride at such short notice. It has taken a couple hours to get back to kanto and is very early in the morning once they do finally arrive.

Ash expects that most of his pokemon will be asleep so they try to sneak quietly back through oaks lab. Ash and pikachu tiptoe around trying not wake any sleeping pokemon when they are stopped on the training field by Gary. Gary asks Ash "how did everything go." Ash's face lights up with a smile as he puts his hand on Garys shoulder. He tells him subtlety "you were right."Gary gives ash a bro hug as he smiles at his friend. He then jokes and says "I expect a seat at the wedding you know"

Ash's face turns red with nerves and panic as he nervously asks "wait wedding" Gary just laughs and says "I was joking if that was the case you would be moving way to fast." Ash sighs in relief and says "I thought you were serious." Gary facepalms and replies "Ashy boy you really aren't all that good at this." Ash scratches his head nervously and says "I've got a lot of learning to do" Gary laughs at Ash's stupidity and nods his head.

Ash is then confronted by all of his pokemon who despite the early start are all up and eager to see their trainer. Ash smiles and says "hey guys how you all been." All the Pokémon respond with positive cries and raise a limb into the air. Ash smiles and says "Well you guys deserve to hear this before anyone else so I'll tell you. Last night I went to the hoenn region to see someone. One thing lead to another and to tell you all the short story me and the girl I told you about from Kalos are now a couple." Hawlucha noivern and talonflame are extremely happy to hear this as the 3 celebrate and tell the rest of the team about Serena and their adventures together.

With his Pokémon all chatting amongst themselves Ash takes his leave and walks into the lab where to his surprise he is greeted by his mom and prof oak. They both smile and ask ash why he seems so excited ash thinks for a second and decides not to tell them about Serena for now. He has no fears that his mom or prof oak would reject the relationship but he feels this is something they should both do together although he doubts his mom will be kept out off the loop for too much longer.

He just says "I finally figured out where to go next and this has pumped." Prof oak nods and says "good the flight is booked in one hour to the Alola region." Ash is confused and asks "how do you know that's where I wanted to go next professor oak." Oak exclaims that "i just had a feeling" and hands over a ticket to ash. "Ash smiles and says thanks professor." He then asks "what should i know before heading off." Oak says "well I have let my cousin know that you are coming him and professor kukui run a school on melmele island and they want the hero of Kalos to give the class a little lesson on battling."

Ash says that he knows he can do that before turning to pikachu. He says to him "are you ready for a new chapter buddy." Pikachu nods in agreement before ash is then given his new outfit for Alola by his mum before she reminds him that it's going to very hot there and that he needs to remember to use suncream. Ash says don't worry mum I can take care of myself as ash goes to get ready for his journey to the Alola region.

Before leaving however Ash goes back outside the lab to have one last conversation with his pokemon. He says "hey Bulbasaur can you get everyone together I want to have one last talk before I head out." Bulbasaur nods and says "Saur Bulbasaur" He shoots out a solar beam into the sky signalling all off Ash's Pokémon to gather round.

Within a few seconds all off Ash's Pokémon are lined up ready to hear off their trainer. He smiles and says "sorry to take your time guys but I have something else to announce. Starting today me and Pikachu are going to the Alola region on a brand new journey." The pokemon all look at Ash and nod. Although they will miss having him around the lab they realise that the best thing for their trainer is that he keeps travelling so he can use that experience to help them all get stronger.

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