Chapter 26: The Grand Festival

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"Are we sure about this Mr Guzma," a team skull grunt in disguise asks from an alley way from just a few metres away from a massive arena.

"How many times do I have to tell you you imbecile. The plan is simple you pretend to be a fan of the girl then once she's got your trust try and convince her to come with you. If she refuses then take her by force it's simple," Guzma replies to his grunt with a bit of frustration in his tone.

"And what if I can't grab her," the grunt asks still unsure as to the plan and as to why Guzma has sent him on such an arduous mission. Guzma snarls and says "It's just one girl. Besides if she has any back up then call in the rest of the squad and we do this loud and remember no mention of team skull or rainbow rocket we can not be outed to early."

The grunt gives in and replies back "Affirmative sir." Guzma smirks and answers back in a relaxed tone "Good and remember Mr Giovanni pays well for a job well done." The grunt smiles before he puts the phone down on his boss. He peers out the alley way and spots his target. He smirks and says to himself "It's time to go."


A few hours before Ash's final island trial victory, Serena walks through the streets of Maville city the day of the grand festival. She strides towards the contest hall with a spring in her step as she almost skips through the streets like an excited smile on her face. She has a giant smile on her face as he continues on towards the arena. It's clear her excitement hasn't died down since she left her hotel room and she is completely ready for the challenges that may come ahead.

However as she continues to walk a man no older than 21-22 years old steps out of an alley and stands right in her way. Serena frowns a little as she looks at the guy blocking her path. He probably stands at around 6 foot tall and is decently eel built. He wears a black tracksuit with a full black snood blocking the full view of his face. The latter seemingly a little strange considering the warmer climate of the Hoenn region but Serena kind of shrugs that off not wanting to judge a book by its cover.

He slowly approaches her and takes a bow before exclaiming "Serena I'm a huge fan, would sign this for me." The man pulls out a pokeball and holds it in front of him. Serena smiles and says in a sweet tone "sure." Its sort of becoming an everyday thing as her performance profile grows for more and more people to ask for autographs and pictures. While Serena finds it annoying at times she always tries to be polite no matter what the response. Keeping her fans happy is always a good thing and overall she's never been one for bad manners.

She walks up to the guy signs a pokeball for him. As she scribbles on the pokeball a small smirk hidden by the man's mask appears on his face. He says in a demanding tone "You know me and you would be perfect together." Serena stops signing and takes a step back as she nervously says "Um, I'm not sure what you mean." The grunt takes a step closer and remarks "I know
What you performers are like, you love to have a good time. Why don't we got back to my place."

Serena gasps and moves back a little. It's not the first time that people have tried to make advances towards her during her time in Hoenn but usually they do it in a more subtle and respectful manner. She shakes her head and nervously says "Um sorry but I'm no, I'm not interested." She bows respectfully and turns around to walk away feeling highly uncomfortable. She takes a step away and breaths a sigh of relief when suddenly she feels a strong grip on her wrist before she is yanked back towards the guy who pulls her closer taking a commanding grip as whisper shouts "That's the wrong answer. Your coming with me."

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