Chapter 84: Indigo League Final Rumble Part 1

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After Ash's victory against Ritchie in the Indigo semi final match, everybody was quick to return to their accommodation for the night to rest up after such an intense battle.

The rest of the gang headed straight back to their hotel with Gary blabbering about how they should be hitting the bar to celebrate instead of going back home to do nothing. Ash and Serena were both quick to shut him down, not wanting to lose any focus on the current situation. Ash is only one win away from winning the entire Indigo league, quite simply put he can't take his eyes off the prize now. He needs his mind and body focused on the challenges to come, not drinking at a club or a shady bar.

With that decided, the amour couple return to their temporary home where Serena quickly makes the decision that Ash needs a relaxing evening after his hard battle earlier in the day. Ash accepts that proposal as he lets Serena put her plans into motion, not too worried about her doing something he wouldn't want to do.

Serena's plan is a simple one as she orders them a pizza to share and pours them both a small glass of champagne, before ordering Ash to get changed into his swimwear for some relaxation time.

The two of them now find themselves sat together in the jacuzzi outside in the garden, with Ash wearing a pair of blue and black swim shorts and Serena wearing a rose red bikini that fits snugly to her body. An empty pizza box sits on the side, while two half full glasses of champagne sit on either side of that. The two of them lay back while relaxing in the jacuzzi, ignoring the no eating and drink rules warning on the side of the tub.

Serena smiles warmly as she looks over at her boyfriend and questions in a satisfied tone "You feeling relaxed yet?"

Ash smiles at the Kalos queen and replies in a grateful tone "Yeah I am, thanks Serena. This was an awesome idea. I never knew relaxing like this could be so fun."

Serena internally squeals, really happy that Ash is enjoying her little plan to help him relax. She too is really enjoying herself, finding something quite comfortable in being in the same water as Ash. Ever since she learnt how to swim, she's sort of been craving a situation like this. The two of them together in the same pool of water.

The only thing she might have changed about this situation is she would have preferred them both to be in slightly different attires, or simply put completely bare should they have gotten the chance. But, considering all their pokemon are still awake and relaxing around the house, this is probably for the best. But that doesn't mean she can't think about how good that could be and feel in the future!

She soon shakes off that steamy thought as she exclaims in a loving manner "I'm glad you like it Ash. I really wanted to do something nice for you after such a tough battle earlier. I'm still so proud of you for getting through to the final. You were so great!"

Ash can't help but smile at Serena's support as he replies "Thanks babe, I really appreciate you putting in so much effort to keep me in check during the league. I promise I'm going to make it up to you at some point. I'm going to do some nice things back for you when I get the chance."

Serena can feel the warmth behind Ash's words, and can't help but feel appreciated. She quickly decides that sitting this far apart is stupid and a bit lonely as she swims over to Ash's side of the jacuzzi. She soon reaches her boyfriend, before giving him a puppy dog eyed smile that begs him to let her move closer.

Ash knows what Serena wants and quite literally would be a fool not to accept as he gestures for her to come closer.

Serena smiles brightly as sits down on Ash's lap, facing him as she wraps her legs around his waist and places her hands on his shoulders. She quickly leans forward as pecks his lips sweetly, before she pulls away and remarks lovingly "Just seeing you smile is is enough for me. I don't do these things just because I know they'll make you happy. They make me happy too seeing you enjoying yourself so much. You doing well and being well just brightens up my mood."

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