Chapter 66: Ultraclass Finale

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After the first round of the Ultraclass showcase, Serena heads back to her hotel room filled with hope for the events to come tomorrow.

While she may not have won anything today, she certainly has put herself in good stead to do so tomorrow.

5th place and the points between her and May are far from unassailable. She can make up the difference in the performance stage, if all goes as to plan tomorrow.

The honey blonde girl prepares herself for tomorrow as she settles in for the night. She and her pokemon all eat a meal worthy of their efforts today, refilling them for the challenges ahead tomorrow. She takes a warm shower and washes her hair, before putting on a comfy set of old clothes.

She puts on a pair of baggy pyjama pants, and one of Ash's old hoodies she stole and claimed as her own. While the hoodie doesn't compare to her boyfriend cuddling her, it is pretty comfy and does have his scent stained in its fibres. That scent always helps her feel relaxed.

Speaking of her boyfriend, that is the only thing that is bothering her a little right now. After the showcase he promised he was going to speak to her, but he hasn't called or text at all.

It's kind of unlike him to the say least, he usually never breaks a promise. However, she isn't really angry with him considering the time difference. It's like 3am in Galar right now. If he was still awake then that would be crazy. There's no way he can still be up.

Serena takes a small sigh as she thinks to herself "Just let it go Serena, he's probably tired and catching up on sleep. I could check with aura but honestly, I feel too worn out to use it. We can just speak in the..."

Suddenly, Serena's thoughts are interrupted as she hears her pink Rotom phone buzz on her bed side table. She takes the phone and instantly feels a smile rise up on to her face as she sees an incoming video call from her boyfriend.

She adjusts herself  as she sits up on the bed and quickly fixes up her hair. She holds the phone out in front of her as she swipes to answer the call. A few seconds later, the familiar face of her boyfriend appears on her phone screen as she instantly greets "Hey Ash!"

A slightly worn out looking Ash with a few sweat beads dripping down his forehead centres on the screen, with Riolu and Pikachu perched on his two shoulders. The raven haired trainer walks with the dark streets of Galar behind him as he replies "Hey Serena, sorry I called so late."

Serena shakes her head a little and exclaims with curiosity in her voice "It's okay Ash, I was up anyways and bored so it was good timing. How come your up so late though? Also, why do you look like you've been working out?"

Ash let's off a nervous laugh at his girlfriend's observations before he explains "Oh yeah sorry. We had so much stored up energy from sitting around watching you all day that we decided to get out. Plus, I'm still pumping with adrenaline after that battle. When me and Greninja use the bond phenomenon, I always struggle to sleep after. So me, Pikachu and Riolu went out for some training. Now we're walking back to the pokemon centre to turn in for the night. I decided to call you instead of using aura because I knew you'd be tired. We need you as well rested as possible for tomorrow. So that's why I chose to call instead."

Serena can't help but giggle a little as she hears her boyfriend's reasoning. She knows all about how energetic he can be. That combined with adrenaline explains his late night antics. While she would usually grill him for staying up so late, she can understand his reasoning so decides to let it go.

She hopes secretly that he'll be this energetic when she sees him in person next. So she can put that energy to good use of course!

Moving away from her internal thoughts, Serena places a reassuring smile on her face and exclaims "It's good to see your still keeping up with your training. You need to be prepared to face Bea in a few days as well. It's good to see you as well Pikachu, and it's nice to meet you Riolu. I'm Serena, Ash's girlfriend."

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