Chapter 100 Movie Special Part 2: You Are Guardians

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A/N: Warning, this movie contains strong language, violence, some light gore and some steam.

"Sir Aaron!?"

Ash stares into the eyes of his ascendant, completely in awe of him straight away. From the clothes he wears down to the aura flowing off of him as he stands there. It might be the most powerful and the coolest thing he's ever had the luxury of seeing.

Sir Aaron gazes back at his descendant and eyes him up for a second

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Sir Aaron gazes back at his descendant and eyes him up for a second. It's no surprise really that they're related when he looks into the eyes of the boy. Clearly he's got some strong genes that have run through generations, if Ash's appearance is anything to go by.

As for the girl next to him, well it is still weird to see two aura guardians this close together. If the two of them were dating in this time then that would be frowned upon. Thankfully these two don't have that sort of problem in their relationship and they are free to live their lives in the way they would want to.

He soon turns away from them for a second as he looks towards the Hisui part of this battle. Rei and Akari stand with shocked looks on their faces upon seeing the most famous aura guardian of their time stood in front of them. Kamado looks a little confused while Cyllene keeps her cold expression. Adaman meanwhile frowns slightly at another guardian crossing over into their territory without him having called for back up.

Sir Arron soon leans his staff against the ground before he bellows "Listen up! Your fighting is useless with the enemy moving as he is. The time you spend fighting here is more time wasted while they move forward. Now explain to me what's going on."

Akari raises a hand nervously into the air before she explains "Um Sir Arron sir. I can tell you. I was out exploring the wilderness when I was attacked by a wild alpha pokemon. Things looked bleak until Ash and Serena here saved me. They explained to me how they were from the future and long story short we came here looking for shelter. Then there was some sort of misunderstanding here where Adaman thought Serena was apart of the pearl clan. One thing lead to another and that's when the fight broke out."

Sir Aaron nods his head in thanks to the girl's explanation before he replies "Thank you, now let's address a few things here. First things first, Serena here is not apart of the pearl clan. She has never met Irida so that's not an option. Second, these people have been sent back here by Arceus himself to help us against the threats that loom. You treating them like prisoners isn't going to help."

Ash and Serena both turn their heads towards each other and share a not so surprised look. If anyone was going to send them back in time then Arcues was the answer. The only thing they wish is that he could have explained that to them himself!

Rei soon raises an eyebrow before he comments "Hold on Sir Aaron, we were told by Adaman that he scanned their aura and it showed they were villainous. Is that really all a lie."

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