Chapter 8: Ash vs Hala

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Earlier the next morning Ash is awaken by the sound off birds chirping. He stirs in his bed and sits up letting out a loud yawn. He looks to his side and says "good morning Pikachu you sleep okay." Pikachu stirs and let's out a weary "Pika pi." Ash smiles and says "I know it's early buddy but today is the big day. Today we take on our first island kahuna." Pikachu rubs his eyes to wake himself up before stirring to get up. He jumps up on Ash's shoulder and shouts excitedly "pi pikachu." Ash smiles and says "I know your ready buddy but I'm not. Let's get changed get some breakfast and head out for the day." Pikachu nods in agreement as Ash leaps out of bed.

Ash makes his way to the kitchen and makes a quick breakfast for him and all his current Pokémon. He then heads back into his room where he takes a morning shower and brushes his teeth. He steps out of the shower and changes his clothes into his usual attire. He then stands in front off a mirror and spikes his hair up (his hair is like his old design because it is tragic in sun and moon) he finishes spiking his hair by putting on his trusty cap over the top of it.

He adjusts his cap and sighs. He looks in the mirror and thinks to himself "winning battles, teaching, stopping team skull and raising new Pokémon I've got a lot to think about. Ash continues to stare into the mirror deep in thought when a sweet voice snaps him out of his thoughts and back into reality.

"Ash I'm sorry I can't watch your battle today, I've got a performance practice. Still I'll be supporting you and I send all my love. I know you can do this." Ash smiles hearing Serena's voice as he feels all of his problems disappear. His mind feels at ease his worries fade and he completely relaxes. He smiles and replies "thank you Serena just hearing your voice is all I need. I'm going to win today because of you I promise."

Ash feels a jolt of happiness before his mind turns black and his aura connection fades again. It leaves him feeling sad that his connection is once again interrupted but left with a sense of happiness and hope after Serena's word. He feels motivated to win even more knowing she is supporting and pushing him to the very best he can be.

Ash opens his eyes and looks at the mirror with fire in his eyes before a small smirk breaks out. He turns his shoulder to see Pikachu watching him intently. Ash smiles and says "let's go win this thing Pikachu." Pikachu nods and leaps on Ash's shoulder as the two exit the house.

Ash makes his way outside the house to see the group including Hau waiting for him. Ash walks up and gives them a wave. He greets "hey guys." Kiawe folds his arms and says "you sure took your time." Ash scratches the back off his head and says "yeah I was just collecting my thoughts before the battle that's all. Hau says "your nervous right." Ash shakes his head and says "no not at all."

The group all sweatdrop as Mallow says "you must be nervous it's an island kahuna." Ash smiles and says "well with who I got supporting me there's not a chance I can lose." Ash walks ahead as the group look at Ash a little weirded out as they ponder who can be supporting him. They shrug it off however and follow him towards the battle arena.

After 5 minutes of walking Ash and the rest of the gang find themselves on the outskirts of the arena as a large crowd surrounds a circular ring. Ash raises an eyebrow and says "why are there so many people here." Kiawe says "it's not everyday that a kahuna gets challenged so that's what's attracted such a large crowd. Lille nods and adds "plus your kind of a celebrity these days your name is going to naturally bring large crowds."

Ash rolls his eyes and says "can't people just leave me be me." Mallow says "Ash your dream is to become a pokemon master if that happens attention and media will always follow you. I'm afraid this is just something you'll have to get used to." Ash sighs and says "yeah your right." He then turns around to the rest and says "well wish me luck."

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