Chapter 28: Your last day in Hoenn

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The next morning we start in Serena's room juts after her celebration party. She lies in bed sound asleep as her clock, next to her bed, shows ticks just past midday. The honey blonde sleeps deeply despite frantic knocking on the door. Outside the door , Grace tries to get into the room with her Fletchling sat in her shoulder. She knocks again and shouts in a concerned tone "Serena, it's your mother. Are you okay in there." She waits a few seconds but the noise from the other side of the door is still complete silence.

She signs with concern while starting to win thing on patience. While she doesn't want to intrude on her daughters privacy her motherly instincts take over as she plots a way to get into the room. She turns to her Fletchling and orders her to fly around through the back window and wake her up. Fletchling obliges knowing this takes very well as it was quite a common occurrence when Serena was living at home.

She flies around the back and the bird pokemon finds itself in Serena's room. Fletchling flies around the room and lands on a stack of draws just by Serena. The flying type chirps and tries to wake up Serena the nice way but the sleeping beauty is having no of it as they continue to sleep peacefully. Fletchling sighs and decides to handle this the old fashioned way.  They fly up with a glowing white beak before delivering a peck attack to Serena.

The honey blonde screams and wakes up as Fletchling laughs happily. Serena puts a mad look on her once peaceful face and shouts "What was that for." Fletchling just chirps and flies around the room towards the door. Serena sits up in bed and asses what is going on when a sharp stabbing pain rushes through her head. She holds her head with a pained face and moans "Ow my head." She looks around at her surroundings and questions "How did I even get here?"

Her thoughts are quickly interrupted as the knocks the door and a familiar voice says "Serena it's me open up." Serena tilts her head with confusion while looking slightly worse for wear and "Questions huh mum." She drags herself out of bed and walks to the door while looking slightly unsteady on her feet. She reaches the door despite the dizziness and the throbbing headache and opens up.

As the door flings open Serena sees her mom stood at the door with a concerned look on her face. Grace sighs and says "Finally your awake, I was really starting to get worried. Are you okay." Serena tries to put on a brave face and with a fake smile replies "Yeah I'm fine, I was just tired that's all." Grace looks at her smirks daughter with a knowing look and questions "Really your just tired. surely it wasn't all that booze you drank last night thats kept you in bed this long. I've got to admit Gary Oak really was on form at that party last night. I've never seen someone go through alcohol that quick. I wish he was around when I was your age back in my clubbing days."

Serena sighs and admits "Okay maybe my head does hurt a little. It like there's a whole building resting on there actually, and I so feel a little nauseous." Grace clasps her hand excitedly as says with a beaming smile "Ah your first hangover well luckily for you I know just the cure."

She walks to into Serena's room and makes her way to her kitchen. She gets Serena some water and vitamins a few vitamins while Serena lays back down her bed. Grace places the items on her bedside table and says "Here you go, you'll be back to normal in no time." Serena sits up on her bed and takes a sip of water while Grace perched herself on the end. Serena smiles and says "Thanks mom, so what are you here for anyway."

Grace smiles and says "Well for a few reasons sweetie. First of all the came to check on you after last night. I know your 17 now and your a big start but you'll always be my daughter. Whenever you need it I'll always be there to mother you because that's my job. I also came to say goodbye. I'd love to stay longer but my flight back to Kalos leaves in a few hours. Finally I can ti hand you back these." She reaches into her pocket and passes Serena her plane ticketto Alola. "You left them with me last night and told me whatever you do, do not lose them. I could tell by your face that they were very important to you."

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