Chapter 73: Showdown in Pewter City

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It's about mid afternoon in the Kanto region as Ash and Serena continue to fly towards Pewter city on Pidgeot's back.

It's been a few hours since they left the woods on this flight, and they are only a few minutes outside of Pewter city.

Serena sits behind her boyfriend, hugging him from behind while resting her head on his shoulder, letting the fresh air at such an altitude wash over her as a small satisfied smile sits on her face.

Ash looks over at his girlfriend and notices her satisfied look as he questions "You comfy there beautiful?"

Serena keeps her eyes closed as she hums peacefully "Hm hm, Pidgeot is such a smooth flyer that it's so easy to just rest my head here and relax. It's kind of peaceful being up this high. While I loved flying on Charizard too, this is a little more relaxing."

Pidgeot smiles at the compliment on his flying ability as he lets off a happy cry.

Ash smiles at his girlfriend's satisfied tone and replies in a similar manner "Yeah it is, it's like a whole other world up here. The views also pretty great too."

Serena smiles at Ash's positivity as she continues to relax her body while cuddling into him gently. She takes a small satisfied sigh before she questions "So Pewter city, have you got any special strategies to take on Brock with?"

Ash places a small smirk on his face before he jokes "Well for starters, I hope they've fixed the sprinkler system. It's definitely not apart of my strategy to set them off again."

Serena giggles a little, having already been informed of the story behind Ash's first gym battle against Brock. The way Ash told it, she could tell he regretted the way he acted before the battle. He disrespected how powerful a gym leader is, and he certainly paid the price for it.

However, at least he learnt from it and he found a friend in Brock to help mentor him moving forward. While his first gym badge was nothing to write home about, it was probably one of Ash's most important.

Ash let's his girlfriend capture her need to giggle at his jokes before he exclaims "But being serious, I don't know what to expect from Brock. He's got a lot of Pokémon he can use and I'm excited to see what he comes up with. I know 2 of my 3 I'm going to use but I'll keep that to myself for now. I know you hate it when I spoil the surprise."

Serena mentally nods in agreement with her boyfriend, not really wanting to know exactly what Pokémon he's going to use. After all, one of things that makes Ash's battles so fun is his unpredictability.

The pair fly through the air for a few more minutes until they fly straight over the city of hard rocks. Ash smiles a little as points down towards the ground and exclaims "Pidgeot, set us down."

Pidgeot nods as he swoops towards the ground before landing with grace in the middle of the city, completely smooth for his passengers aboard.

Ash disembarks from Pidgeot first, before helping Serena down as Pikachu situates himself down on his shoulder. The Alola champion soon removes their bags as they both place them on their respective backs.

With everything unloaded, Ash smiles towards his first ever flying type Pokémon as he holds out a pokeball and remarks "Thanks for the help Pidgeot. Now, you deserve a good rest."

He returns Pidgeot to his pokeball before clipping it onto his belt. He turns back towards his girlfriend with a small smile as he questions "How's your ankle feel now?"

Serena takes a few baby steps to test her ankle before she stops with a small frown on her face. She shakes her head a little as she replies in a down tone "It's a little sorer now than this morning. I think it needs re strapping. The bandages are a little loose and I can feel my ankle giving way as I walk."

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