Chapter 62: The Bonds Of Mega Evolution

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Serena turns around to see someone she never really thought she'd see again after the Kalos masterclass. Her eyes widen in shock as she mutters in a worried tone "It's you."

The girl with blue hair places a nervous smile on her face as she looks across at the Kalos queen. She awkwardly waves a hand in the air as she replies "Um, hey Serena."

Serena looks at the girl in front of her and can't help but feel a cold shiver down her spine. She takes a defensive stance and exclaims in a cold tone "Hi Miette."

There's an awkward silence as only the sound of a light breeze through the night sky fills the air. The two girls keep their guards up, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

Sylveon is the same as she takes a defensive next to her trainer as she sets her sights on Miette. She was lucky last time that she was back in the locker room when she attacked her trainer. This time, she's got a Pokémon who's not afraid to get between the two.

After a few seconds, Serena breaks first as she lets her guard down slightly. She takes a small sigh before she questions "Why are you here Miette?"

Miette looks down at the sand in shame of herself as she shuffles her feet against the sand. She fidgets nervously with her hands as she replies "The same reason as you I guess, the ultra class showcase."

Serena's eyes widen in shock a little as she mutters "Oh I see."

They stand in silence for a bit longer as Serena begins to contemplate her thoughts. She never in a million years thought she would see Miette in Alola, and at a showcase so soon after what happened.

When Palermo about heard what happened backstage from the police, she was furious that Miette would do something like that. Attacking another performer like that was unacceptable to the new CEO and she was quick to act, banning Miette from performing in any Kalos related showcases for 3 years.

Palermo wanted to go further, and has asked Serena to press charges against her for assault. However, Serena didn't want to go down that road. Not for any high and mighty reason like she was too good to waste her time with such ordeals. No it was because Serena wanted to forget about the mess with the CEO and Miette, she instead wants remember the day for all the good things that happened. She wants to remember that day for what happened on stage and at her party afterwards, not off it.

Miette soon breaks the silence as she exclaims in a soft tone "Listen Serena, about what happened at the showcase I'm really sorry."

Serena looks at the ground and shakes her head disgust. She takes a small breath before she questions "Just why Miette, why did you do that? I thought you were a good friend. I thought I could trust you. Then you hurt me, you took advantage of me. Just why?"

Miette feels her eyes start to fill with tears as the regrets of the events a few days ago sting her heart. She looks up at Serena as she explains in a guilty tone "I know you did Serena, and I thought I was a good friend too. But when the CEO came to me with evidence that showed you were cheating to win votes. I was blinded by rage. I thought you were playing us all, and using Ash's popularity for your own gain. That's what made me make such a rash decision. I didn't realise he was actually lying to get you to sign a contract that was going to ruin your life, that was until Alain showed me the evidence. I felt sick to my stomach at what I had done. That's what I turned myself in, and am now testifying against the CEO. Serena, I know what I did was wrong and I'm so sorry. I realise now that I was fool. I should never of listened to him. Your love for Ash was never for personal gain, and I knew that deep down. Your the Kalos queen because your the best of us, and your the perfect girl to take showcases forward. Truth is Serena, I miss our friendship and I'm so sorry I ruined it. If you say no then I won't blame you. Could you possibly forgive me?"

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