Chapter 10: A Death in The Family

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The next morning Ash awakes in Kukui's house to sound of birds chirping. He takes a big yawn and gets out of bed to do his usual morning routine. He takes a shower and changes before making his way downstairs to make some breakfast.

Today is a free day for Ash to do as he pleases along with the rest of the group. The ferry to Akala island doesn't leave until tomorrow afternoon so they have a day to use to prepare. So what does Ash want to do to prepare himself. Train right. Well in this case for once in his life the answer is no he's not planning on training.

That's because a certain honey blond girl has a contest today that Ash would love to watch. He feels almost obligated after all Serena would always watch a battle for him whenever she was free it was only right that he would return the favour if the chance arises.

After making breakfast Ash leaves the house quietly as not to wake up the Professors heading to a nearby beach. Ash reaches the beach and releases all his Pokémon to play while he takes himself to a quiet spot. He sits on a rock overlooking the alola morning sky as a fresh breeze blows in his face.

Ash takes a deep breath and says "here we go it's time to check how she's doing." Ash closes his eyes filled with nerves. He's more nervous then he would be for a big battle his only theory why is that he must be more concerned about Serena than himself. He closes his eyes and thinks about her angelic smile, her sweet smelling honey blood hair and her large cerulean eyes. A few seconds pass before he sees it.

His vision changes as he sees Serena's pov. She walks out in front of a cheering crowd as the announcer exclaims her name. She takes two pokeballs out and throws them in the air and shouts "Braxien, Altaria take the stage." Ash watches as Braxien and Altaria appear next to him. He notices Serena pause for a second before starting her routine and senses a happiness in her aura as she becomes aware of Ash's presence.

With Ash watching her confidence seems to grow as she starts her routine. "Braxien use flamethrower and Altaria use moonblast." Braxien nods and twirls her stick shooting a flamethrower towards Altaria who lets off a pink ball firing off a moonblast. The attacks merge together and create a red moon that explodes sending small red moons into the air. Serena extends her hand and says "now Braxien use psychic. Braxien holds up her stick as her eyes glow blue with psychic energy. She gathers up all the moons and swirls them into the air before they explode into little red fireworks causing the crowd to cheer.

Ash watches the routine with a smile on his face, he whispers to himself "I forgot how beautiful her routines were." Ash focuses his aura and manages to watch the rest of the routine from a place in the crowd giving him a third person perspective. He watches the rest in awe of Serena's elegant movements that waste no energy, her beauty is undeniable as she dances around the stage with Braxien while Altaria flaps her wings sending the two dancing in to the air.

Ash can only find one word to describe it. Perfect. Serena and Braxien land on the floor as Altaria lands behind them. A firework goes off as Serana shouts "Ta da and finish," while throwing a hand into the air. Serena breaths a little heavy as the crowd erupts with cheers and applause. Serena curtsies to the crowd and says "thank you." She then turns around and leaves the stage with her two Pokémon following her. Ash watches her leave with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

After the rest have performed Serena and the rest of her competition return to the stage ready for the results. The announcer stands on the stage and says "before we give out the results please can you give these talented performers a round of applause. The crowd all put their hands together and break out into applause. As the applause stops the announcer continues "now without further a do the judges votes are in and the winner of the Sootopolis city pokemon contest is......"

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