Chapter 70: Fears of the past

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Ash and Serena walk through a usual route in Kanto with their hands connected as usual, taking in the peace they have together.

Yesterday, after their impromptu date night, they checked into a small cozy motel to stay the night in Ecruteak city. While that type of accommodation wasn't really what someone would expect from two people of their titles, they had each other and that was all they needed.

The next morning, they were back off on the road again when a private car came to pick them up right on schedule.

The car took them back to Kanto, heading towards the location of their next stop on their journey. However, Serena was quick to stop the car and make sure that they didn't reach their destination too quickly.

You see, the next thing on their busy schedule is another event for Serena to get involved in. There's a big women empowerment themed day scheduled in Celedon city, and of course the Kalos queen is due to headline.

Serena has been asked to put on a performance there to open up a parade, as well as to give an interview talking about the women that have inspired her.

While Serena is not some ultra over the top feminist, she certainly does have her own opinions on issues surrounding women and how they are still unfairly viewed in some parts of the world. She knows that there are those who still experience issues with women's rights out there, and she'd be happy to use her voice to help raise awareness of those issues. Of course, she'd also be willing to speak about any issues that concern any other race or gender too so she need to.

While the extremist views on the topic are things she can't simply stand, she really couldn't turn down the opportunity to speak about some of the women that inspired her. Maybe in the process, she can inspire other little girls out there too. A performer's job is to inspire, and that's certainly what she's hoping to do with this event.

However, all of that is still for another time. The event isn't for another 3 days yet. That is why Serena was so intent on making the car stop so far away. She wants to explore some more of this region and travel with Ash the old fashioned way.

It's actually pretty mad to think that her and Ash have actually hardly travelled this way since they became a couple. With their journey's going in separate paths, they've not really travelled together like they used to as such.

They've also just been based in one main place and gone on little day trips when they have been together. But now, it'll be just like back in Kalos expect just the two of them. It'll be like a proper journey.

Serena can hardly wait to have the pleasure of finally sharing a tent at night with her boyfriend, and spending hours talking around the campfire with him. 

Anyway, the first place on Serena's bucket list to explore is Saffron city. She's heard so many great things from magazines about the city. Apparently it's one of the biggest and most unique cities in the entire Kanto region.

With it being on the way to Celadon city anyway, it just makes sense to check it out now in their free time.

While Ash was a little hesitant about going back to such a place, Serena's wanting expression was just too much to ignore and he ended up giving in to his girlfriend's demands.

The two continue to walk down the route to Saffron city as Serena leans her head against Ash's shoulder. She takes a deep breath of the late morning Kanto air, feeling her nostrils fill with a sweet scent as Pidgey's chirps fill her ears. The Kalos queen closes her eyes and nuzzles her head against Ash's neck, feeling completely overjoyed at the peaceful Kanto morning walk with her beloved boyfriend.

Ash notices his girlfriend's reaction and questions while smiling down at her "Are you comfortable there beautiful?"

Serena smiles and replies in a satisfied tone "Yeah, I'm comfortable. I'm just happy, happy to be able to spend time with you like this in such a place. I really like Kanto."

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