Chapter 39: Alola League Finals Part 1

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After his battle with Hau which saw him make it through to the Alola league finals, Ash walks down the corridor towards his changing room. He walks down the corridor with a spring in his step, completely pumped up after the battle that's just took place. He opens his locker room door and smiles as he steps into the room.

Suddenly he is tackled into a nearby wall with some force. Ash gasps and exclaims "What the hell who....."

Suddenly a pair of lips attack as a pair of hands grab him by the collar and force him into a deep kiss. Ash's eyes widen in shock at the sudden aggressiveness of the kiss. However, he calms down and quickly realises who's mouth this is just by the softness of her lips and her familiar scent. Feeling overjoyed with his girlfriend's affection, Ash pulls her closely and kisses her back.

Serena completely smooches Ash's face off for around 5 minutes as the honey blonde girl takes control and covers every inch of his mouth. Ash doesn't fight back as he's showered in affection. Instead he gives her the same treatment right back. No words needed to be said right now, this was just two lovers showing their appreciation for each other by their actions.

Eventually the need to actually breath breaks up
Their tongue twisting dance. Serena is the first to give in as she breaks the two up and takes a gulp of air as a string off saliva connects their mouths.

Ash takes a second to catch his breath before he begins to revel in his victory. He laughs and jokes with a small smirk "Serena did I tell you to stop?"

Serena fakes a pout and playfully punches his arm. She push her cheeks and remarks "Shut up Ash, I needed to do that. You don't realise how much your happiness means to me."

She breaks her little pout off and falls into Ash's strong arms as the two are locked in a warm embrace. Ash smiles and pecks his girlfriend on the forehead before he exclaims with love in his tone "Thank you Serena. If it wasn't for you I would never have been able to find myself again and win that battle. So thank you for once again giving me confidence and bringing me up when I was down. Thanks for saving me Serena and for being my hero."

Serena blushes heavily at her boyfriend's words. All his compliments and all his words of praise make her heart do a little happy dance. The way he pours his heart to her let's her know they both trust each other with anything. Being Ash's hero is the biggest goosebump moment she can get. Ash has always been her superman from the second they met. Now he's calling her a hero and that makes her giddy with excitement.

Serena breaks off from her internal thoughts and smiles at her boyfriend. She nuzzles against him and replies "It's okay Ash, that's what I'm here for. I'm so proud of you for overcoming that trauma and getting back in the fight, only you can do that. Only could have made that comeback."

Ash smiles gratefully at his girlfriend. By now it's obvious but she is easily the best thing that has ever happened to him and he's going to make sure he shows her that everything single opportunity he can. He holds her tight and remarks "Thanks Serena, I'm very lucky to have you and for the record your safety and happiness is always my top priority as well. That's why I'm going to win this league and become Alola's first ever champion. So I can make you happy and get stronger at the same time."

Serena giggles at Ash's reasoning and responds "I know you will Ash,I believe in you."

Ash smiles and exclaims in the most genuine tone possible "I know you do, your my biggest strength Serena. I realise that now, we're both stronger together and I don't ever want that to change."

Serena's blush only grows, realising that Ash means these words whole heartedly. The way he speaks about the two of them together reaffirms to her that her relationship is fully secure. There is no way the two of them are ever falling out and there's no way their ever breaking up. No they both love each other more than they could love anyone else or anything else. The best part is they found each other when they were still so young and have so much time left to grow. There is no need to rush anything but they both know they'll end up with each other no matter what happens.

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