Chapter 80: Indigo league Arrival

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Blackthorn city in the Johto region is where we lay our scene, another traditional typical Johto city from the naked eye.

However, this is a city known for one thing and one thing only. It's terrifyingly strong dragon type Pokémon that reside in the Blackthorn city gym.

It's a hurdle that a lot of trainers face on their path to victory in the Johto gym challenge, with very little actually able to pass such a rigorous test.

Inside the city sits the world renowned dragon's den, a place where only the strongest of dragon type trainers choose to come for training. Even for the most experienced trainers, this place could be your ultimate demise if not treated with the respect it deserves.

In the deepest darkest parts of the cave, stands a relatively tall man with a naturally imposing figure. He wears a long cape like robe, with his spiked mahogany hair styled to be as intimidating as possible. Everything about him screams purposeful and serious, the mark of a strong trainer.

In front of the man stand his many dragon type or dragon like pokemon, training as hard as they can under his command

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In front of the man stand his many dragon type or dragon like pokemon, training as hard as they can under his command. They all look battle hardened and strong, a kin to the many battles they have fought over such a long time span.

The man in question has many titles, but to those that know him personally tend to just call him Lance.

This time of year is always the same for him, training hard in preparation for the upcoming challenges. Every year, him and his Pokémon take themselves down to the darkest depths of the dragons den, training themselves rigorously in preparation for the Pokémon league to come.

It's been over 10 years since Lance became the champion of both Kanto and Johto. Since then the man has simply been unstoppable, refusing to release his grip on his tittle no matter the challenger.

Ten times someone has tried, and ten times he has successfully defended. On 8 of those occasions, he's faced off against one of his own elite 4 members. Only twice in 10 years has he had to defend his tittle against the actual league winner. On both occasions those league winners were good, but quite simply couldn't handle the power Lance's dragon pokemon possess.

Over that time period he's been a feared champion by many, one with a brutal streak in battle. An experienced trainer who's matured into a champion, with a practically unbeatable Dragonite to match. Not to mention his other beastly pokemon waiting in the wings.

However, despite his ruthless reputation, Lance has garnered the respect of both the Kanto and Johto public. They've seen him rise from a position in the elite 4, to a now a frightening dragon type master. That sort of growth is something people respect, as well as the dedication to perfecting his craft.

This week of solitude is something Lance looks forward to every year, never being one for the cameras or the limelight that comes with being a champion. Down in this cave there is no distractions, it's just him and his army of dragons. All they have to do, is just focus on getting stronger for the challenges to come. Focused on making sure taking his tittle will be no easy feat.

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