Chapter 48: A Champions Coronation

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At the ceremony, a large crowd has gathered as everyone who was anyone, turns up to support and celebrate their new champion.

On stage sits: Steven, Wallace, Brock, Misty, Kiawe, Mallow, Lusamine, Lillie, Gladion, the Kahuna's, Proffesor Burnet, Kukui and Alain. Cynthia stands at the pedestal as she finishes off her speech, rallying for the people of Alola to stand together through these troubled times.

The crowd erupts into applause, feeling motivated at the famous Sinnoh champion's words. Cynthia takes in the applause before she turns around and walks back to her seat.

Alain takes his queue and stands up. He is last to give some words on the champion's behalf before Kukui reads out the prepared speech Ash gave him earlier.

Alain looks to his left and gestures over to his Charizard, who flies behind him to support him during his speech. Alain makes his way to the pedestal and stands looking out at the crowd as he prepares to begin his speech.

However, as he looks out into the crowd, he spots a shadowy figure making his way through the crowd, moving as fast as a blue streak of lightning.

Alain let's a smirk drift onto his face, only knowing one Pokémon capable of speed like that. After all, he was one of the only one to ever beat it and the first since he mastered the special form.

The Pokémon suddenly appears next to Alain, almost as if he teleported instead of ran through the crowd. The mysterious pokemon looks at the Kalos Champion in front of him before bowing respectfully and making his way to stand with the other ace Pokémon.

The crowd look on in awe, witnessing the unmatched speed of the mysterious Greninja who some still thought was nothing but a myth.

Alain looks at the crowd and laughs lightly at their reaction. Truth is he'd had a similar reaction to that as well when he first saw Greninja move at full speed. The pace of the ninja frog certainly is shocking to say least.

Alain takes a second to compose himself before he begins his speech. He clears his throat before he exclaims "I'm not usually one for big inspirational speeches, that's more of Ash's thing. But I'll do my best impression in his absence. Speaking of absence, I know some of you are a little disappointed that Ash isn't here to speak to you all. Well that's not entirely true. The Pokémon you just witnessed is proof that, although the champion isn't here, he's always watching over you. I know he'll be doing everything in his power to keep the Alola region safe. That I can guarantee you. He'll never let the people of Alola down."

The crowd let off a small applause at Alian's comments before he continues "Ash is a dear friend of mine, someone who showed me to the light once and for that I'll always be grateful. However, he's not just a friend. He's also the strongest opponent I've ever faced. He brings out the best in those he faces, the feeling he brings over you is infectious. In other words Ash is a perfect example of what a champion should be, someone for everyone to look up to. Unfortunately he isn't here today but I can assure you that.."

Suddenly a large roar echoes throughout the Alola region. The stage shakes a little from the ferocity of it.

Alain looks up to the sky with shock in his eyes, the roar he heard only could be rivalled by his Charizard. His shock soon disappears and is replace by a smirk on his face as the figure comes into view.

The crowd goes ballistic with cheers as Ash flies in on Charizard's back, waving to the crowd with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Serena sits right behind her boyfriend, holding Ash tight with one arm around his waist as she uses the other one to wave to the crowd with a smile on her face.

Alain chuckles slightly at Ash's sudden entrance and announces to the crowd "Looks like I won't need to do an impression anymore, the real deal is here."

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