Chapter 49: The Last Day In Alola

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The amour couple make their way back to the Professor's house, ready to relax for the rest of the night. They have already made their plans for the rest of the evening.

They plan to do some typical teenage relationship things. Order some Pizza and sit in bed watching a movie.

It may not be the grand way most champions would spend the rest of their evening but for Ash it was exactly what he wanted.

However, before their evening can get started, they still have a few things to take care of first.

Which is what Ash finds himself doing right now as he stands in the bathroom, running a bath while Serena lays on the bed behind him. He is currently running a bath for his girlfriend to relax her muscles and help her heal.

Ash takes a small sigh as he complains "Why do I need to add all these different bath salts in a specific order Serena?"

Serena frowns slightly and replies "Because it makes the water so much more relaxing. Plus it's to help relax my muscles and smell good."

Ash shakes his head and remarks "Whatever you say beautiful, personally I prefer a quick shower. More time for training that way."

Serena giggles and explains "Well me too most days. But sometimes it's nice to relax in the hot water and take time to reflect. You should try it sometime Ash."

Ash raises an eyebrow and questions "With how long this is taking to run, when am I ever going to have time to do that?"

Serena giggles a little as she takes in her boyfriend's statement. In truth he is right. Serena has practically given him a 20 page essay on what to do step by step. To be honest running that same bath twice would take up a lot of time, unless...

Serena puts on a devious smile and casually remarks "We could share one day you know?"

Ash's eyes widen at Serena's statement as he feels his cheeks redden slightly. He looks up at her with a slightly embarrassed look and questions "You'd be okay with that?"

Serena smiles reassuringly and exclaims "Sure I would, not now but in the future when we're a little more comfortable with each other. It could be fun."

Ash chuckles a little at Serena's reaction and replies "Well we'll see, as long as your happy then that's all that matters."

Serena beams a smile at Ash's caring nature as he continues to run her bath. After another 5 minutes or so of following her instructions and constantly testing the temperature, everything seems to be in order.

Ash walks over to his girlfriend and questions "Are you ready now?"

Serena nods and smiles as she gestures for Ash to pick her up. Ash nods and picks up Serena before taking her towards the bathroom. He places her on her two feet in front of the bath and questions "You going to be okay?"

Serena smiles at Ash's sweetness and replies "Yes Ash I'll be okay."

Ash nods and remarks in a sweet tone "Okay Serena, I'll be on the phone to my mom in the other room to let her know we're coming to Pallet town soon. If you need any help just shout."

Serena smiles at her boyfriend before she smirks and exclaims "Now shoo, I've got to get clean."

Ash chuckles as he holds up his hands in defeat before walking out the bathroom to leave Serena to bathe in peace.

He makes his way out of their bedroom and makes his way towards the video phone in the other room.

As he steps into the room, he sees his Pikachu and the baby playing a game of tag as they run around the room. Ash smiles at the sight of the two getting along so well and exclaims "Hey you two, good to see you both getting along so well."

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