Chapter 81: A Confrontational Opening

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Warning: some minor violence and light mature language in this chapter.

About an hour and a half has passed since Ash returned from his and Pikachu's little adventure over to the main part of the indigo plateau.

In that time, the raven haired trainer has got himself ready for tonight's dinner party under the instructions of Serena of course. He took a shower before changing into the smart formal clothing that she has picked out from him to fit in at such an event. Some people might be a little annoyed at their girlfriend choosing what they should wear, but for Ash it's actually a blessing considering he doesn't really care too much about formal fashion. Plus if someone has a better fashion sense than you, your probably better off letting them pick your outfit.

He finds himself sat on the edge of the bed with his attire for the night now on. He wears a black pair of suit pants with a white tightly fitting shirt on his torso. A black tie hangs around his neck for now, although Ash is almost certain he'll be taking it off as soon as possible. A black suit jacket hangs over his shoulder, ready to stick on when they leave the house. A pair of black smart shoes sit on his feet, while his usual accessories litter his arms. For the occasion Serena has changed his hair too. Ash has his sides cut and faded out to the skin, after realising that they were a little longer than they should be and going to the hairdresser in the trainer village to sort them out. It's something he does now and again, but is a little more noticeable being recently done. As for the messy hair, that still remains on top but Serena has neatly combed it just for tonight. With all the media present and this being a formal event, she needs Ash looking somewhat presentable rather than the usual carefree look she's fallen in love with.

Speaking of the Kalos queen, she sits in her chair by the mirror as she puts on her makeup for the night to come. She is currently just wearing a fluffy white bath robe, wearing that as soon as she got out of the shower to keep warm until she's ready to put on her dress for the evening. Usually she would kick Ash out the room when she's getting ready for a night out, but today she decides to let him stay because they've already been apart for an hour or so before this.

As Serena continues to apply some red lipstick, Ash raises an eyebrow and questions "So, how was the meeting with Aria and Palermo?"

Serena smiles brightly and exclaims while continuously staring into the mirror "It was really good. My sales numbers are up 50% this month so we'll have a nice little influx of cash coming in soon. A few more little commercial deals have come in that me and your mom are going to review and sign off on another day. The showcase season is setup and I only have to do a few sporadic appearances throughout the season for rookie class showcases. But I'm really excited for them and they won't clash with any of your league battles. They are scheduled in between the down time we have after the leagues you want to enter so it just means me or both of us will need to take a few days to go back to Kalos. I've still got to wait of over a year until the next masterclass showcase so we've got no worries in terms of scheduling there. Plus there's no way I'm losing my tittle I worked so hard for after just one showcase year, so I'll be sure to be extra prepared for that one. As for my album and the indigo league plans, they're pretty much ready to go."

Ash smiles at the fact that Serena seemingly had a good meeting, happy to see her performing so well in her role as Kalos queen. He smiles even brighter as he remarks with a hint of playfulness in his tone "Okay I'll bite, what's going on with your album and the indigo league plans?"

Serena bubbles a little as she explains with clear excitement in her voice "Okay so first things first, the album is dropping tomorrow. I'm super nervous about it but at the same time excited to see what people's reactions are. I mean I'm not a singer, but it is something I enjoy doing so wouldn't mind doing it from time to time if this goes well. Hopefully it can be a nice little hobby moving forward."

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